You feel that something is going on behind your back, and doubts start to appear in your mind. You are afraid that you will be destroyed by disaster or betrayed at any moment and start searching for “evidence” to support your thoughts. Jealousy This is a common feeling, especially in romantic relationships. Which one? How do we behave in relationships? They are often not aware of their existence.
Evolutionary Psychology offers a glimpse into the reasons and mechanisms behind jealousy. This is why jealousy can even be seen in babies as young as 6 months old. This feeling often comes up first. We depend on our parents for care more than ever when we are babies. Therefore, it is easy to believe that if our caregivers die, we won’t be able receive the care we need. Since the This is the biggest risk to your care. We can be jealous of our siblings. It is possible to show jealousy to our siblings if we take a look at it. Everything is fine. But jealousy can become a real problem, especially in the short term. Romantic relationships. It can lead to A relationship that is unhealthy can lead to a dismal place..
What happens when jealousy turns into an unhealthy place.
You can look at the phone of your partner, their social media accounts or e-mails, but not with permission
Sometimes jealousy is a natural emotion. We may combine the personal belongings and accounts of our partner. There is an assumption that the other party is hiding some kind of secret. This belief is reflected in the way we identify things we want to find and begin researching to find them. However, research shows that this is not true. Type of behavior This can seriously damage relationships.
We intentionally insult our partner.
Sometimes it is the The feeling of jealousy is accompanied by the burning of our hearts. We tend to retreat to our own side when we feel hurt and wait for the pain to go away. Or, if we are truly hurt, we want the other person to experience this same pain. This is why we are able to Sometimes you say harsh words to someone else, sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly.. However, this behavior can be a problem. This can damage the intimacy that we have created or are trying to build in our relationships.
Assuming your partner doesn’t find you attractive.
Another sign of jealousy is inferring partner’s thoughts and feelings based upon their physical characteristics. We assume that even though we haven’t heard or seen this behavior from our partner, it is because we are not considered attractive or handsome enough. You might think he is attracted to people People who are more beautiful/attractive then us. It is important to remember that, although Research shows that there are objective beauty criteriaThese criteria are not sufficient to tell us how we see the person in front. Studies show We see the People we are close to To be more beautiful/handsome. This is how we see ourselves Beauty perception has a subjective side.
It is easy to believe that our partner is lying, but there are no concrete proofs.
Do you appear out of the blue? Feel at ease with your partner during an ordinary dayDo you sometimes feel that your partner is trying to hide something? Are you ever tempted to look for a liar or an opening in your partner’s words? Lying is an ironic way to say “If I lie, the other party must also be lying.” This can lead to such thinking. This is why we have doubts about our partner. Our past experiences can influence our beliefs about our partner’s lying. If we witness many lies from ours, for example Our past relationships have been with partnersWe may not be able to trust each other in our new relationship. This can also happen if our partner lies to us in the past. We should not have ever had to deal with such situations before. Being suspicious of him, all words can We should not cause the other person’s disengagement from us. This could lead to a breakdown in the relationship..
They monitor what our partner does during the day.
Trusting in our partner brings us the “release” of ourselves. This means that if we hold the bird tightly in our hands, our partner might want to let go. However, if we release our hand completely, it will fly away. In the middle is giving that bird space so it can roam free by being present. Asking our partner what he was up to Every minute of every dayHe replied, “I don’t trust your.” This is why we send signals. Constant questioning can lead to problems, such as arguments or inability to get out of a relationship. It is not, therefore, a good idea to ask what our It is much more healthy to do what your partner does from a curious location. For relationships.
Despite the fact that we don’t always have it, Control Our ability to react to the circumstances that arise is entirely up to us. Also, we have control over what happens and what we do. It is a feeling that nearly everyone feels. However, how we respond to this emotion is determined by our choices.