“Existence is indefinable and unalterable.” Irvin Yalom
What does it really mean to be alive? This question will likely cause the person asking it to feel the need for a moment of pause. Existence is hard to explain or describe in words. Ben Descartes ““I think, therefore I am!” I want you to know that I am interested in your words. Only The only thing that gives meaning and purpose to our existence, is our ability thinkOur uniqueness is what distinguishes us among other living beings. It is because of this that I believe the only way to exist, is to be human. How do you explain existence? The philosophical side of the subject was evident from the beginning, didn’t you think? In this article I will be discussing such a topic. The theory of existential therapyA psychotherapy theory that is dominated by a philosophical perspective.
Existential Therapy This theory focuses on human anxiety. This theory states that people fear the creation of reality as a natural consequence to their circumstances. It is all about individuals’ way of being and existential concerns.
Anxiety is something that everyone feels. Anxiety, a human emotion, is often a survival instinct and a warning sign in times of danger. This theory states that such anxieties can be used to help us survive. Everyday concerns. We become anxious when we see a car driving towards us as we cross the street as pedestrians. Anxiety signals us that something is wrong and that our lives could be at risk. Anxiety can cause us to run and not be crushed under our car. The We will conquer anxiety This direction is Normality is desirable. Existential Therapy claims that this is the case. Neurotic anxiety is the feeling of anxiety that a person has even though there is no danger. It is also known as generalized anxiety. This anxiety can be very destructive and dangerous for individuals. Existential concernsThese are the main subjects of this article. Anxiety is a common problem in our daily lives..
Yalom, the famed psychiatrist, says there are four fundamental anxiety like existence.
The fear of death, according to the existential approach is always with us. Although we feel this fear all the time, we suppress it often to avoid the anxiety. It takes a lot of effort to overcome this fear in our daily lives. This is the moment we can talk about the final unconscious tension. The center of all existence is death. Two concepts that are closely linked are being and dying. A person with more death anxiety will have less. He gets satisfaction from his life. Fear of death is a reason to be afraid. Positive change in your life.
I remember thinking, “Why should you worry about being happy?” It was the same thought I had when I first heard of this type of anxiety. Similar Thoughts may have crossed your mind As well. According to this theory, to be It means that we can choose, act, and suffer the consequences of our choices. Our lives are our responsibility. This responsibility causes anxiety, as we are both responsible for the bad and the good. As humans, it is not difficult to take responsibility for our mistakes. This theory can help us understand why we have difficulties in this area. Feelings of existential guilt Anxiety can cause anxiety in us. This is because this feeling can manifest when we make a mistake about ourselves, or when we have to face the negative consequences.
“Why do I live?”, “What is my purpose in life?””, “Why do I exist?” Are you a person who has ever been left to ask such profound questions? At the end, everyone has probably thought of a similar question at some point. This introduces us into meaninglessness, another primary worry of existence. The theory states that humans don’t come to this world with any sense of meaning. However, We need a Guide in your life This will guide all our efforts and remove us from any uncertainty. But, certainty is not possible because we are not in control of our lives. Some people may experience an existential crisis. We call it a crisis of meaning.
Be alone
The most common existential anxiety that we all know is loneliness anxiety. According to this theory, man is ultimately an isolated being. There has been an insurmountable gap between us since our birth. Being responsible for your own life means that you are naturally isolated. If anxiety is severe, people may find it difficult to bear it for long periods and seek out ways to suppress it.
Every person has existential concerns. They may not have reached the threshold of awareness, however, because the unconscious was suppressed. Some people see these anxieties excessively, and they make themselves known in many ways. Sometimes, we may even realize the root cause. Many problems can be caused by this. In the therapy room, you will find loneliness or death anxiety. Yalom claims that the only way to get rid of a person is through their eyes. way to deal It is important to face existential fears and recognize them. You might have even noticed your anxiety with this article. Perhaps you’ve even thought about buying them.