Yoga is an exercise that originated in India. It aims to bring peace and tranquility to the body and mind through meditation and poses. Your primary goal is to strengthen the mind and body through this journey. Yoga practices that involve diaphragmatic breathing are known to reduce stress levels, both mental and emotional. The yoga postures promote calm and ease in breathing. It relaxes facial muscles and releases tension in the sense organs, such as the eyes and nose. The mind becomes stale and all thoughts stagnant. You can relax from stress It is filled with peace, tranquility, well-being and joy.

Stress Factor Every aspect of our lives is negatively affected. We all know stress can cause difficulties Losing weight because of its effects upon the body. Stress can cause many health problems, such as heart disease and high blood sugar. The brain is the most sensitive organ to stress because it plays an active part in nutrition and metabolism. Stress can lead to an increase in blood pressure and other health problems. cortisol hormone Our bodies experience changes in blood sugar and metabolic rate as well as in heartbeat and intestinal functions. Individuals are more likely to be cortisol-stressed due to an increase in their levels. Increase your intake of sweet and salty foodFat around the waist is caused by.

So, how can we eat yoga while still doing yoga?

The energy our body requires is vital. Digest food. This is why we should eat before we start yoga.. But, we might feel discomfort due We should eat until we are full. A main meal should be consumed at least three to four hours before starting yoga. Lighter meals can be prepared between 1-2 hours and small snacks will be available half an hour earlier.

Before practicing yoga:

  • Avoid foods that stimulate the stomach, like hot peppers and onions, garlic, legumes or cabbage, mushrooms, or leeks, which can cause gas. Reduce the time White bread and rice are good sources of satiety. They also have high levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium and fiber. This will help you perform better in sports. Consume spinach, purslane and lettuce.
  • Complex carbohydrate meals include brown pasta, bulgur or buckwheat.Your main meal should include protein and healthy fats. focus during practice.
  • Water consumption should be stopped 15 min before exercise to prevent stomach upset and make you feel more comfortable.

You can eat these foods before you start your yoga practice.

  • Banana: It You can get quick energy from the carbs it contains, and you can stay active during exercise. It is easy to digest. With its magnesium and potassium content, it prevents muscle cramps and abdominal bloating.
  • Apple: It is an alkaline fruit that helps reduce stomach acidity. It is a good source of fiber and sugar.
  • Oatmeal: It is rich in fiber and is easy-to-digest. It also prevents you from getting hungry after a session of yoga.
  • Almonds: Raw almonds are a great source of energy before you start yoga.

You can eat these foods after you do yoga:

Health behavior before and after Exercise has a positive effect on the intensity of your effects Exercise has a negative impact on the body. For muscle building, energy gain, and satiation, a balanced meal containing protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and good quality protein is ideal.