We all experience stress as part of our social lives. Everyday life is filled with stressors . We start our day the moment we open our eyes. The rest of the day is then spent under intense stressors. In this way, it is impossible to escape from stress. Although stress cannot be eliminated, it is possible for people to manage the negative effects that it has on them. Many studies have been conducted on this topic every day. There are also techniques that can be used to improve people’s mental health. Coping mechanisms for stress. We will be discussing one of these techniques in this article: the autogenic relaxation exercise .

What is autogenic relaxation exactly?

Autogenic Relaxation Exercise (OE), a technique that helps to cope with stress, is actually quite old. Based on the research of Oskar Vogt (brain physiologist), it was developed in the latter part of the 19th century. Johannes H. Schultz (Berlin-based psychiatrist), was fascinated by Vogt’s work and created the autogenic exercise technique. This new system was published in his 1932 book Autogenic Exercise.

These exercises are called autogenic relaxation. They allow a person to relax, calm down and provide relaxation. Use verbal suggestion to solve physical problems. After a few weeks of practice, researchers have found that this method works.These exercises are known to provide quick relaxation for people. It is recommended that you use it At least 20 minutes per day . The set used in the application contains verbal suggestion sentences. The verbal suggestions are meant to calm and normalize the body. Stress can cause physical symptoms.. Exercise can help relax the body and reduce stress.

How does Autogenic Exercise work?

Step 1 You have two options: you can lie flat on your back and sit comfortably, or you could relax your neck and back in a slightly reclined position. It is important that you are not stressed by the position. You should feel comfortable.

Step 2 Close your eyes and take in a few deep breathes. Slowly, repeat to yourself the verbal suggestions from the sets below in the order listed. Between each suggestion, wait 30 seconds. Do not rush. . You can use the same phrases you find most appealing. These audio recordings can be recorded and listened to often if you prefer. Or you can choose the set you like most and learn those sentences.

Set 1: These sentences are meant to relax your voluntary muscle.

  • My right arm is becoming heavier.
  • My left arm is becoming heavier.
  • Both my arms are getting heavier.
  • My right leg is getting heavy.
  • My left leg is getting heavy.
  • Both of my legs are becoming heavy.
  • My legs and arms are becoming heavier.

Set 2 This set contains words that are meant to increase the warmth of the body by expanding the veins.

  • My right arm feels warm.
  • My left arm feels warm.
  • Both of my arms are toasty.
  • My right leg is warm.
  • My left leg is still warm.
  • My legs are both warm.
  • My legs and arms are warm.

Set 3 These words are meant to normalize your heart-related activities.

  • My right arm is becoming heavy and warm.
  • Both arms of mine are warm and heavy.
  • Both of my legs are becoming heavy and warm.
  • My arms and legs are becoming heavy and warm.
  • My Your breathing is easier down.
  • My heartbeat is regular and steady.

Set 4: This set contains words that regulate the respiratory systems.

  • My right arm is becoming heavy and warm.
  • My arms and legs are becoming heavy and warm.
  • My breathing has become more relaxed.
  • My heartbeat is regular and steady.
  • My stomach is also very warm.

Set 5: This set of words is intended to decrease blood flow to the brain.

  • My right arm is becoming heavy and warm.
  • My arms and legs are becoming heavy and warm.
  • My breathing has become more relaxed.
  • My heartbeat is regular and steady.
  • My stomach is also very warm.
  • My arms and legs feel warm.
  • My forehead is cooling.

I I hope you’ll find the Autogenic Relaxation Exercise beneficial if you do it regularly..