These are busy days. Many of us are experiencing a hectic day. This is our first experience with life in an unfamiliar direction. We cannot control it. We all know the expression “stay with it” and often repeat it to ourselves. However, uncertainty can cause stress.

Three things to keep in mind if you feel worried, anxious, or afraid.

  1. You are absolutely correct.
  2. These feelings are shared by everyone around the world.
  3. You can feel better.

These are difficult times. things that will make us feel better is to explore our internal and external resources… But before coming to these resourcesUnderstanding our brain structure is important.

The advanced brain structure

One of the reasons we live with is Chronic stress Our brain structure is developed. The amygdala can be described as a Our brains are responsible for our emotional responses, especially fear. This section allows you to react, flee, or fight in an emergency situation. The brain’s emergency alarm triggers bodily reactions such as muscle tension, heart rate acceleration, increased breathing speed, and dilation. These reactions are caused by the brain’s emergency alarm. Our “reptilian brain”. These reptiles are fast and have quick reflexes. They were inherited from the evolution process. This is the mammalian brain. This ability is passed down from our mammalian ancestors. It allows us to feel emotions, create bonds and care for our children. The third is the Neocortex, or the thinking mind. We can’t overcome stress Thinking, analysing and establishing cause-effect relations.

Mammals that live in the wild are constantly under stress from predator-prey relationships, natural events and unfortunately, humans. Know how to manage This is known as stress. A mammal that lives in nature may be preyed upon by a predator and not die. However, if it does survive, it can pretend it is dead and resolve the trauma with bodily shaking and escapes. He is a hunter and prepares to attack. When he is finished, he inspects his surroundings (if he has a cat or a dog, you can watch them). Animals go on with their lives by constantly experiencing this… They get stressed and experience trauma, but they solve it later. They complete the cycle.

However, our thinking brain blocks this. Our nervous system does not complete “Trauma”. This could be due to worrying about our appearance, weak body-mind connection and not focusing solely on our goals. feelings. Our tense bodies continue to keep us awake at night. to the stress that we are exposed (such as surgery, earthquakes death, divorce, abandonment and natural events we cannot control). Then there are chronic diseases, bodily tensions, or persistent pains…

Return to the center

What can we do when we are under stress? We want to return to the center. Trying to be. Sometimes, a large slice of cake, ly French fries, and beer are all we can manage, as well as cigarettes one after another, television serials, or Social media that we can’t stop become a means of centering for us—out another search begins when we understand that these provide instant pleasures and both short-term and long-term harms.

These are gradually replaced with choices that improve our ability to self-regulate, such as yoga and meditation, herbal teas, or walking. Aromatherapy oilsClassic music, conversation with a friend, attending a class.

These assistants allow us to Stress management Concentrated energy (emotion) is our internal and outer resource.

What are these external and internal resources?

Our spiritual beliefs, habits, and belief systems are examples of internal resources. We also have past experiences that can give us strength and compassion.

We can give you some examples of external resources. Consider people We know and love places, events and skills.

Duplicating resources both internal and external

We all have many more resources both internal and externe than we realize. The It is important to keep them in mind and to use them frequently to improve the self-regulation abilities of the nervous system. We can think. It’s like riding a bicycle. We try until we get it right. Once we do, it becomes automatic. This ability changes our attitudes towards stress and makes it easier to manage stress.

Finally, yoga started as an external source and turned into an internal source…

Yoga classes are a first step to our yoga program. Lives as a social Activity becomes an external resource. As we practice more, it becomes an inner resource that is very useful with ethical-social discipline, asanas and breathing, energy work, meditations, and energy management.

We now have the ability to teach online with many teachers thanks to the learning process. You have the opportunity to create a solid internal resource that will last you a lifetime.