Awareness is the key to any behavior change. Are we able to know enough about ourselves? Or the person next to us. What do we know about each other? Who am I? What kind of person am i? and what distinguishes me from other people? People are able to These questions have been asked since antiquity Attempted to find the solution. The research on finding the answer. The causes of human behavior Continues in the Social Sciences field. Different opinions resulted from the research. Let’s take a look at some research that was done to get to know people before we examine the Enneagram teaching.

Human behavior can be classified

AD II. Hippocrates provides the basis for scientific methods to identify individuals and classify/qualify people based upon their characteristics. Hippocrates said at that time that people secrete a specific body secretion that determines their personality. Romance Claudius Galen, physician and philosopher, described the temperament characteristics of human beings With four secretions. These are blood, phlegm and black bile.

He explained that the blood was a source of oxygen. People with a cheerful and active temperament High levels of sputum are seen in calm, sometimes apathetic, people. Black bile is more common. People who are sad or melancholy.People with high yellow bile secretion are at higher risk. Nervous and fussy temperament.

W. Sheldon, in the middle of nineteenth century, classified personality structures above three body structures.

  1. Mesomorphic structure (Muscled and sharp, strong).
  2. Endomorphic Structure (Fat and soft)
  3. Ectomorphic Structure (Weak and tall, sensitive, and sensitive).

Research has been conducted on the effects of environmental and physical factors on human behavior.

Enneagram: A deep look at personality types

The most effective and popular personality method is the Enneagram. It’s a powerful method to not only explain our inherent temperaments but also for empowering us. personal development and transformation that allows people overcome their obsession at the front and recognize their unique strengths and abilities.

Nine different Enneagram explanations are available Personality types It is becoming more and more popular all over the world because of its ability to identify and understand the interrelationships among these types. It is a personality analysis tool that helps you to understand yourself better and to identify areas that need to change or be improved. It is an ancient teaching. It is one of most effective and ancient methods for self-knowledge.

The Enneagram model was used to create the Lost series scenario, which we all know. The Enneagram model of 9 persons was used in the Lord of the Rings series.

The Enneagram is a tool that can be used to both To know yourself, to understand the other person and to direct our relationships. If you have an idea of which personality type the person before you is from, y. You can then determine what their behavior is in each situation and how to influence them using the Enneagram. Then you can guide that person in the right direction.

Types of the Enneagram

  1. Perfectionist
  2. It’s helpful
  3. Achievement-oriented
  4. Individualist
  5. Researcher
  6. Loyalty
  7. Adventurous / Enthusiastic
  8. Leader / Challenger
  9. Peacemaker

Personality types 8, 9 and 1 are Physically Centred people. They take physical Action to make decisions in the face of circumstances. They must take action. This personality type is Action Centered and produces people with a leadership spirit.. These personality types are known for their general traits, which are called the Red Personality Type. They include freedom, justice. bravery. courage.

Types 2, 3, and 4, are Emotion-Centered. Decisions are influenced by emotions. They are generous, helpful, and emotional leaders. They have an intrinsic motivation. They are passionate about art and have strong intuition.

Personality types 5, 6 and 7 are Mentally Centred people. They are objective, cautious, and have a good sense of investigative. They use logic and thinking to make their decisions. They are all important. They’re like walking libraries.

However, can these nine basic personality types all be found in one person?

These nine characteristics can be found in everyone, but only one person has them all. Therefore, people base their decisions on this weight. The human being, with all its features, is the ideal human model. According to Enneagram teaching, “superhuman”