Financial difficulties, meetings, exams and turmoil in your love life…

We’d love to tell you something new.

This article can be read in a safe setting. We have no problems for about 80% of our lives. Not at all…

We’re not asking you to worry about your meeting. Tomorrow Oder the fight that you had yesterday. We’re talking about the moment… Stop and ask yourself: “Is there anything wrong right now?” Are you in danger? Are you feeling any aches and pains? Do you have any thoughts of violence or other negative situations right now? Now, imagine almost everything. Ask whenever you have the chance You will receive a “no”, and you can live in the moment your whole life. Which kind of life would that be?

Right now, you don’t need a problem.

This is how it works: We spend most of our lives imagining scenarios that may never occur. The rest is by playing the past events over and over in our minds…

So, what’s the alternative? Maybe not at all… This is precisely what we hear everywhereTo live in the moment, to be present in the moment.

Most of the time you don’t notice the smells coming to your nose or hear the sounds coming out of the right and left. You also don’t fully enjoy the taste of the food you eat. We are passing it on, dear audience… We are passing Life is very difficult. Our minds are constantly busy, and we have no time for living. Live life to the fullest.

“But how can you get over this?” What did you say? We heard it.

Begin with small steps.

Our Our mind is like our muscles. As you practice, you’ll improve and be able to remain present in every moment. You will find that the first time you try something, it won’t work. Don’t leave and say nothing; it’s better to begin with Baby steps. Begin with just one to two seconds of effort. It only takes a second or two to get started. We make the biggest mistake when we start. It’s a new way to try something: downplay the small steps. To take larger steps. If you aren’t willing to give up when you feel you can’t, you can take the big steps you want. You don’t always give up, aren’t you?

Use your senses

Use your senses to help you stay present. I am certain they will be a tremendous help.

You won’t be able to stop yourself immediately, so remind yourself! Try to notice the things you smell, see, hear, and are around. It will surprise you to find out how many things you don’t see or hear.

Consider eating as a form of meditation.

We eat a lot of food and eat while watching TV or talking on the phone. This habit can lead to overeating. gain weight? We aren’t even aware of where we are. How can we lose ourselves? eat or how much we eat during this time… Then sodas come.

Use the food you consume as a tool for staying in the moment. Increase your awareness You should stop eating after your stomach is full. You should try to smell, taste, and even differentiate every bite that you take. What other flavors can you detect in that bite? What is the amount of salt and sugar? Is it hot?

You can harness the power of speaking to yourself

Asking yourself questions and using suggestive sentences can help you draw the moment. Two sentences work for me the most… As I mentioned at the beginning, one of them was, “Is there a problem right Now ?” The answer is always “no.” Another one said, “Can I imagine?” Everyone is living the same moment right now; the whole world is in this moment…” to push me to think about this.