In order to live a balanced and fulfilling life, emotional intelligence is an essential component. It has become a hot topic in recent times, both in personal and business life. According to the World Economic Forum’s Future Jobs Report, emotional intelligence was identified as one of 10 essential skills that employees must have in order to succeed in 2020.

The following can be described as emotional intelligence Our ability to feel what we feel and how it affects us is what allows us to know our feelings. People who are emotionally intelligent You are also capable of recognizing the emotions and feelings that others feel.

The term “emotional intelligence” was first coined by Michael Beldoch in 1964 and by B. Leuner in his 1966 work “Emotional intelligence and liberation” in the Practice of child psychology Child psychiatry. In Wayne Payne’s 1985 doctoral thesis, A Study of Emotion : The Development of Emotional Intelligence 1985, the term was again used.

In 1990, Peter Salovey and John Mayer, both American university professors conducted research. Find ways to do it! It is possible to scientifically measure the differences in people’s emotions, and their abilities. Salovey and Mayer quickly discovered that not all people can identify the emotions of others as well as others. Problem solving Emotional states. They were also better at identifying their emotions. Salovey & Mayer defined “emotional intelligence” as: “A form social intelligence which includes the ability to monitor and distinguish one’s emotions and feelings from others and use this information to guide their thinking.

They developed the framework for emotional intelligence which they described as:

  1. Ability to identify and recognize emotions in yourself and others
  2. Integration of emotions into thought processes
  3. Effectively processing complex emotions
  4. The ability to manage one’s emotions, and the emotions of others.

With his 1995 book, “Emotional Intelligence”, Daniel Goleman introduced millions of people to the concept and idea of emotional intelligence. Goleman expanded on the idea. Work of Mayer & Salovey based on the five key elements the development of emotional intelligence.

These are the 5 essential elements of emotional intelligence

1. Emotional self-awareness; Awareness of what you are feeling at any given moment and the effects of it on others.

2. Self-regulating; Try to control your emotions or manipulate them You should learn to anticipate the consequences of your actions before you react in a panic.

3. To make the most of your emotional resources Overcome a situation To be patient.

4. Empathy; Learning to feel and understand the emotions of others.

5. Social skills; Effectively learning Manage your relationships Inspire others.

Goleman says Only 20% of our success is due to IQ. Don’t you wonder about the remaining 80%? Goleman believes that emotional intelligence is the key to the remaining 80%.

These factors are part of emotional intelligence.

  • Motivational skills
  • Ability to show patience/perseverance
  • Control of impulses
  • Regulating empathy. Humor and hope

Goleman said that there was more. Emotional intelligence is not something that can be found outside. It is an integral part one’s inner self.

Is it possible to develop emotional intelligence?

Research, reading, and learning about emotional intelligence will help you to see that there’s so much more. One thing is certain: It is important to know that emotional intelligence is an extremely valuable skill that is needed It can be used to your advantage and will make you a better person.

You can develop emotional intelligence. If you’re not sure where to start, we might be able to help you by being more transparent, open-minded and honest about our processes. Reach out to others and feel the need to do so..

Meditation studies and mindfulness-based research are also recommended. There are many ways to improve emotional intelligence skills. What do you think?