What can you do when you feel numb? Are you compassionate with your emotions? Are you able and willing to take responsibility for your emotions? Do you listen to what they have to say? Or, by eating something, watching television, surfing Social media, etc.
Many of us are conscious of how important it is to take care of our bodies. This includes eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, and taking good care of our skin. Many people don’t realize this. People do not have the time to nourish their emotions. Spiritually and emotionally. These days, if you are struggling with anxiety, panic, or fatigue, you can reach out to us at Spend so much time This could be a great opportunity to reflect on the meaning of love at home.
How can you stop running away from your emotions and start looking at yourself with compassion?
Here are some tips to get you started.
1. Feel your body
First, think about the Existence of the body, emotions As a whole. When you feel tension, palpitations or numbness, scan your entire body. What part of your body are you feeling your emotions? Which part of your body are you tense? What are you feeling numb in these areas? Pay attention to the presence of your emotions in these areas.
You can release tension by taking deep, slow breaths. Reduce these negative physical effects Other methods that can calm you down.
2. Consider your needs
If a child tells you that he is hungry, you give him food. If the child has a physiological desire, we respond with compassion.
How about when it comes down to our emotions?
Your emotions should be treated the same way. If we feel a need, we should listen and respond to that desire with compassion. Let’s try a quick practice: Ask yourself “What am I currently in need of?” ask. You will get the answer if you are open to listening. You might need to go to bed, take some time to be with yourself, and show compassion. Or, you may need to calm down.
3. Understanding your emotions
Imagine your pain! Inner child When you choose to ignore your feelings rather than attending to them. Such moments are rare. “Who would want to be such a parent?” It’s possible.
Identify your feelings. So you won’t get confused. Anxiety often revolves around what the future might bring. It is easy for our ego to predict the future and this can cause anxiety. The truth is that we don’t know what the truth is. Anxiety does not depend on external factors, but on the scenarios that are created by our minds. Stress and real fear of danger are, for instance, two distinct emotions.
If you feel anxious, imagine yourself as a worried parent. For a moment, feel that anxiety. You should be able to express your feelings and allow others to see them. It is important to look at it without judgement; it deserves your attention. What does it look like? What shape does it have? Is it a color? What is its location in your body and what are its movements?
Be aware that worry won’t last forever. It will pass.
This difficult time can be a learning experience that will help you to take care of yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically. Understanding your ego and body and the emotions that cause anxiety and scare you, will help you to find peace. Keep your eyes on the present.