Many thousands of years ago great saints recognized the human condition of “suffering” in all people and set out to find a solution. Some go to caves and others to the mountains. As in the story of Buddha, the founder of Buddhism…
Siddharta is the son of a father who kept him safe from pain and death. Siddharta leaves the court to seek the truth and leaves behind all his possessions and his son. Siddharta was enlightened after years of asceticism and seeking. He meditated under a fig tree to discover the truth. Then he dedicated his life to spreading it. Yogis too retreat to mountains in search of relief from human suffering. A belief states that this is how it works. Superior spirits are able to access ancient knowledge They are those who have been revealed the truth. It is believed this is how ancient texts like the Vedas and Upanishads, Puranas, or Bhagavadgita were created. This information was first transmitted orally and then it is written down, reaching the present.
The Patanjali Yoga Sutras, the most important text that systematizes the science of yoga, are the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. A road map to liberate man from suffering.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras
These are the steps you need to take in order to attain “absolute happiness”, also known as liberation, enlightenment or Samadhi The Patanjali Yoga Sutras is the first to describe the principles of yoga philosophy.
The Steps described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (or his disciples) offer steps to dispel misconceptions in the mind.. Patanjali describes enlightenment as self-actualization, transcending the limits of the ego. He provides a path of 8 steps that includes spiritual and physical work. Once one reaches this stage, all dualities are gone and the nature of the individual is integrated with pure consciousness. The purpose of your life.
The first step: Establishing a relationship with the outside world
As shown in the table below people should use ” “yamas” are used to regulate their relations to the outside world. “ To create their disciplines. The Turkish translation of patches is “restrictions”, deprivations”, and “social relations” in Turkish. Some translations also include “don’ts”. However, there are many. yoga postures When it comes to yoga, these are the fundamental principles. The first step in yoga today is to renounce all attachments to one’s environment. These are the five core principles. ahimsa (not harm), Satya (no lie), asteya (not steal), brahmacharya (moderate), aparigraha Don’t take more than what you really need.
Second step: Relationship with yourself
The second step, niyamas is translated to “to be fulfilled”, ‘to do”, ‘personal training’ and “relationships with yourself” in many sources. These are sauce (cleanliness), santosha (contentment), Tapas (Control of the senses). svadhyaya (self-study, scriptures study) Ishvara pranidhana (Submission to the eternal source/guru). These principles help the yogi manage his emotions and keep him in check under constant personal discipline.
Rolf Solvik (a world-renowned clinical psychologist and yoga instructor in meditation and yoga) says that the awareness gained through the five patches can help transform lives. negative energy Develop a steady state peace. These five niyamas can be used to achieve happiness and self-confidence. Opportunities arise every day to use them.
Third and further steps: Yoga poses
The stages of asana (sitting) are described in the next steps. yoga poses in today’s understanding), breathing exercises, and pratyahara-dhyana-Dharana (removal of the senses, focus, and concentration) are applied. According to Patanjali, people reach samadhi in eight steps Follow these steps to train their minds in silence, focus, and self-awareness.