Ichigo Ichie has been a Japanese philosophy and art of living in this moment, rooted Zen BuddhismTurkish translation of “only once in the lifetime”, “the instant you are in” is “amazing!” This philosophy teaches that each moment, every experience, is an individual treasure that cannot be replicated. We will never be able to appreciate that moment again if we do not cherish it.
Sometimes we see the days go by quickly when we look back at our lives. Even if we only ask a question about yesterday, we recognize it. Even a simple question like: What was your dinner tonight?
When we gain Ichigo Ichie Awareness and Don’t allow past or future worries to weigh on your mind. We will soon realize how precious every moment we share with our loved ones. We wake up each morning to a sunny day We will. Remember that this moment is worth our full attention. We You will be able to appreciate it. Therefore, we will be able to let go of the burdens from the past and allow ourselves to carry them into the future. live happier life.
Let’s take this Japanese philosophy and summarize it in 10 principles.
Don’t delay special moments.
Each opportunity is only once. It will never come again if you refuse to embrace it.
Each moment is a unique opportunity to live each one.
Every moment that you live is precious and unique.
Get started now
Our minds will tire if we keep thinking about the future and the past. While we cannot change the past, or be able to know all the details, the “now”, however is full of possibilities.
Do something that you’ve never done before
One Way to create unforgettable moments To do what you want within yourself, without putting it off. This could mean starting a cooking school. Playing a musical instrument or learning a new sport is a great way to get involved. This will bring out your enthusiasm.
Regularly meditate
Meditation is also possible at any given moment. Day by day, focusing our attention and attention on the moment. This will Provide a temporary purification in our daily lives.
Concentrate on your five senses
Develop your senses for hearing, sight, touch and taste. Transform your awareness into Art is about feeling each moment in your perception.. This will Improve our empathy and perception. We are more open to what is going on around and us.
Be wary of coincidences
Paying attention To coincidences allows us read the signs of the universe and feel its magic around us.
Each day should be lived as if it were a unique day.
You don’t have to wait for extraordinary things to happen. For this, you don’t even need to be celebrating a birthday or holiday. If you have the right perspective, Every day It can be one day.
Make a change if you are unhappy about something in life.
Nature teaches us that humans are creative and capable of transformation and can rediscover our inner selves. Do not let the Ichigo Ichie philosophy make you feel boring or predictable. You can still create.
Be there for special moments
The more you practice in any subject, the better and more successful your results.