Narcissism can be described as a personality disorder. The problem is self-love that is excessively high. This is why We call those who love themselves to the highest level and even those who don’t have time to love other people narcissists. We have all met such people in friendships and emotional relationships. Although it can be difficult to build relationships with these people, imagine being controlled by them. This situation, already complex, becomes inextricable. Are you unsure if this is the case? This could be the case. Gaslighting effect.
What is Gaslighting?
GaslightingTurkish does not have an equivalent of a, so a is a form of manipulation used by selfish individuals. They often subject you to manipulation and make you question yourself over time. They aim to reduce your self-confidence, and make you dependent upon them for the rest of your life. What makes them different? Gaslighting Effect is even more dangerous It is difficult for victims To notice. This is an effective way to control another person, especially in relationships. The victim’s self-confidence drops as they are subject to psychological violence and becomes dependent upon the words of the other person.
Why is this possible?
Individuals love others, but they don’t have enough. They want their loved ones to be dependent on them. This is especially true in emotional relationships where the partner is dependent on them and cannot leave them. You become dependent on your partner over time. He will continue these manipulations if you don’t want to break up with him. He will keep manipulating you, and you will remain stuck in this cycle.
How can we tell if we are being exposed to the Gaslighting Effect?
• If you are sure of a situation and the other person makes you doubt yourself,
• If you are the one who is always unfair in your Relationship with your partner,
• If your ideas are not given importance,
• If your self-confidence has decreased over time,
• If you are exposed to the exaggeration anger of the other party when you express your own opinion,
• And most importantly, if you begin to doubt yourself, you may have been exposed to the Gaslighting Effect, even on a small scale. Don’t let this happen just because it is small. Don’t forget that significant losses are always started with small steps.
We’ve already said that victims are often unable to recognize these manipulations. How can we do this?
• If you are sure of yourself, do not give in to the other person.
• Defend your right to the end.
• When you defend yourself, the other person will attack again and try to suppress you with anger, don’t let this hurt your self-confidence.
If you resist these manipulations, your self confidence will grow over time. The other person will stop trying to undermine your self-confidence if they realize it isn’t working for them. Consistent behavior will help you relieve the pressure from your partner. Thus, you can Keep your relationship going You can either live more healthy, or if it doesn’t change, you can terminate it without further injury.