If you use the word The loneliness Makes you feel cold, makes your soul colder, and constricts you heart. We understand. Perhaps loneliness is not to blame. Perhaps he is waiting patiently for you to love him and show him affection.
Let’s give it a chance and listen to his lonely voice.
Perhaps it tells us something different than we know.
Hi, I’m not lonely. You are what makes my life good and bad.
First, thank you for allowing me to introduce myself. I’m going to try to tell you about myself today. My name’s loneliness. You’ve always been afraid of my name; you’ve always fled from me. It wasn’t me that you were running away from. I am only a situation.
Loneliness is the state of being alone. That’s all. There is no good or bad. It’s beautiful and it’s ugly. I’m not ugly. I’m actually not scary. I’m also not right. I’m only in a state where I can be alone with myself. It’s me, not you. It’s you.
You’re so intolerant of your self that you constantly look for someone to go with you when you’re alone. Let’s be real, you don’t have the patience to sit idle for five minutes. Sometimes you fear confrontation, but mostly you are bored.
Do you think you will be content to sit idle and wait for something to keep your mind busy?
It’s unnecessary.
You don’t necessarily have to fear me, but you do not have to flee. There’s no reason to be afraid of me. Maintain relationships with people People who are not your friends, feel uncomfortable with you, or don’t occupy a space in your heart to be alone, are not people you can trust.
The truth is that I’m the most safe place. Your solitude is the best place to be. You are the most secure person. Let me tell you. You will find that everything becomes much more enjoyable, comfortable, and compassionate if you can make peace with your loneliness.
If you are truly alone, you can discover yourself and build a deep relationship with you. You become “you”.
Being in a crowd and being together brings with it an a feeling of belonging. Harmony is a state of peace. This isn’t a bad thing. You can have new and different experiences by keeping up with someone.
You really don’t need it. Who are YOU?
Who are you going to be when you’re unable? When you’re away from society, adapt Or can you do it all? What is on your mind? How do you feel? How to act, what to do? What do you enjoy? What are you passionate about? What music gives you joy and what kind?
Did you ever have moments where you danced all by yourself at home to silly music or with frivolous movements? You could be “you” and that brought you joy.
How you felt good but…This is precise what loneliness is. The state of being “you”.
Solitude teaches with compassion; most of all, it teaches self-confidence…
Yes, it is great to receive help. However, loneliness can help you discover the potential you never knew you had. If you only knew what you could do… You didn’t have to.
You may be familiar with the famous scenes in movies that show stage fright causing a person to fall on the floor. The hero is stunned, and doesn’t know how to proceed. The only way to return is through his eyes. You can now move forward from one place to another. That’s what loneliness is sometimes; a hand that tenderly grabs your shoulder and pushes you onto the stage with an encouraging attitude… It is always ready to take you out of your comfort zone Remind you of your potential.
Loneliness: What would it be like to do today?
Plenty of time to spare for yourself… Do you know how many people dream of this?
You can also Spend the time alone in bed by refreshing your social media. You can make time for things that you’ve wanted to do for years or just by not checking your accounts.
Solitude promises lots of experience You can learn amazing things. Make sure to make time for fun activities. Read beautiful booksAnd you can take any dance course that interests you. Spending quality time with you will show you that loneliness doesn’t seem so scary after all.
Solitude offers the chance to be “simple”mindful”. You can be the moment and you can be the moment.
How is it possible to have a 45 minute conversation with a friend about his ex-girlfriend?
These are the moments when you feel the best. Rare and precious moments when all you need to focus is the taste of the food. Eat food when you are hungry, see the sun shining brightly on a walk, hear the birds chirping, and feel how the cup warms your palm while drinking your morning coffee, that is, be truly awake…
Every moment is precious. You can enjoy the moment if you’re willing to take it in stride.
You can enjoy solitude and be free from all your addictions.
How is it possible for someone who enjoys solitude to depend on their surroundings, people, or places? He is his best friend. Only he has what he needs. It is always with him wherever he goes.
Everything else is as it is: “It would make life easier if it did; it would be a great thing if it didn’t.
If you are able to make peace and be happy with your loneliness, it will not be a problem for you to keep other people around. Life to make it seem crowded., and not to be bored—Surround yourself with people who are suitable for your soul and accepted by your heart. No longer do you choose to be a necessity, but because of your love.