Depression is a mood disorder that causes sadness or loss of interest. Depression is a very common condition that can seriously affect the quality of one’s life. Counselling and medical care can help relieve depression symptoms. The treatment can also be affected by the diet and lifestyle choices of the patients. Are there foods that can be used to treat depression? While there is no single treatment for depression, certain diets can be helpful. People can manage their symptoms with foods. This article will focus on foods that can be used to prevent depression or trigger anxiety. symptoms.

Relationship between depression and nutrition

Researchers found that severe depression sufferers experienced a reduction in symptoms after receiving nutritional counseling sessions. They also ate healthier for 12 consecutive weeks. Researchers focused on fresh, nutrient-dense foods in the diet. It also had a limited number of participants. Processed refined foodsSweets, fried foods, junk food, and sweets. The researchers were able to identify the reasons for this. It was found that certain dietary patterns can help with depression symptoms.

Mental health foods

What foods are good to eat for depression? Mental health Prevent the development of symptoms. Let’s take an overview.


Scientists suggest that increasing selenium intake can improve mood and reduce anxiety. This could help with depression.

Here are some sources of selenium

  • Whole grains and whole grains
  • brazil nuts
  • Fatty seafood
  • Offal meats

Vitamin D

He mentioned that vitamin D may be able to reduce symptoms of depression.

Vitamin D Sources:

  • Oily fish
  • Dairy products that contain vitamin D added
  • Egg

Omega-3 Fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of mood disorders. Brain diseases can be prevented by improving brain function. The myelin sheath protects nerve cells.

Sources of good quality omega-3 fatty acid:

  • Cold-water fish, such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, and sardines.
  • Flaxseed, flaxseed oils, and chia seeds
  • Walnut


It also contains vitamin A, C, E and other substances known as antioxidants. Antioxidants are used to remove free radicals. These are unwanted substances that build up in the body. The body can’t eliminate enough free radicals to cause oxidative stress. This can lead to a variety of health issues, including depression and anxiety.

This is what we found consuming antioxidant-containing vitamins relieved symptoms in people with anxiety disorders.

A good source of antioxidants is fresh, plant-based food like strawberries. Stress-related depression symptoms can be reduced by eating a diet high in fresh fruits, vegetables, soy and other plant products.


Zinc improves taste perception and strength. immune system. Studies have shown that people suffering from depression may have lower zinc levels. Zinc supplementation may make antidepressants more effective.

Sources of zinc:

  • Whole grains
  • Oyster
  • White meat
  • Legumes
  • Nuts (Raw).

vitamin B

Vitamins B-12, B-9 (folate and folic acids) protect the nervous systems, including the brain. Accordingly, vitamins B and B may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. There are both risk factors and symptoms for mood disorders Such as depression.

Sources of vitamin Vitamin B-12:

  • Egg
  • Meat and poultry
  • The fish
  • Oysters
  • Milk
  • cereals


They found that a healthy lifestyle is important for a number of reasons in a 2016 study. Gut microbiota reduced the risk and symptoms of depression. Probiotics are found in foods such as yogurt, pickles, and kefir.

Depression: Foods to Avoid

Research has proven that certain foods can help with depression symptoms. While some foods can ease depression symptoms, others are more likely to make the condition worse. Some of these:

  • Alcohol
  • Oils and products from the processing industry
  • Refined carbohydrate or sugars
  • Fast food
  • excessive caffeine
  • Carbonated and sugary drinks