Microwave ovens are very easy to use and can be used quickly. But, some people believe they produce harmful radiation which can damage food and cause cancer. It is possible to wonder if this microwave oven is safe. What is the health impact of a microwave oven? What should you do? Pay attention When using? Let’s look at it in more detail.

Microwave ovens are kitchen appliances which convert electricity into microwave waves, also known as microwaves. These waves stimulate the molecules of the food and cause them to vibrate, spin, collide, and turn the energy into heat. It’sMicrowaves affect water molecules, but they can also heat fats or sugars to a lesser degree than water. It’s similar to your hands becoming warm as you rub them together.

Radiation from microwave ovens can cause radiation to your health

Microwave ovens emit electromagnetic radiation. This electromagnetic radiation is comparable to radiation from your phone. But microwave ovens produce much stronger non-ionizing radiation. The microwave ovens have metal shields and screens that block radiation from the stove. Therefore, there shouldn’t be any danger. Keep your head as far away from the oven as possible, and don’t lean against the glass. Radiation decreases quickly with distance

Make sure your microwave is working properly. If your microwave is old, broken, or doesn’t close correctly, you might consider buying a new one.

The effects of microwave ovens upon nutritional value

Any cooking method This reduces the nutritional content of the food. During boiling, for example, water-soluble nutrients may leak from the food. Temperature, cooking time, and the practice of boiling are all important factors.

Microwaves are fast and can be used at low temperatures. You can also not boil the food in microwave ovens. Also, microwave ovens are less nutritious than traditional cooking methods like frying and boiling.

An analysis of 20 vegetables Microwaving and baking preserve antioxidants the best, while boiling does the worst. An older study however found that One minute of microwaving was enough to destroy some cancer-fighting compounds from garlic. It took 45 minutes for a conventional oven. A new study has also shown that Microwaving broccoli at light speeds increased its anticarcinogenic compound sulforaphane. Finally, microwaving breastmilk is an effective way to prevent cytomegalovirus infection. We can conclude from this that, with some exceptions, it is very effective in preventing cytomegalovirus infection. Microwaves are great for preserving food.

However, microwaves can Reduce the Certain foods can cause the formation of toxic compounds. The microwave oven has one advantage: the food doesn’t heat as fast as other cooking methods like frying. Usually, the temperature does not exceed 212°F (100°C), the boiling point of water, but fatty foods like bacon will be hotter. When bacon is cooked, it can produce harmful compounds known as nitrosamines. These compounds form when foods with nitrites are heated too much. Microwave bacon All tested cooking methods produced the lowest levels of nitrosamine formationAccording to a 1989 study.

Avoid plastic containers

Plastics often contain hormone-disrupting substances that can be harmful to us. These substances can cause serious health problems. Containers can allow harmful compounds to leech into your food If heated. One notable example is bisphenol A (BPA), which has been associated with thyroid disorders and cancer.

You should never microwave your food in plastic containers unless they are microwave-safe. This precaution does not apply to microwaves. No matter which cooking method you choose, it’s bad to heat food in plastic containers.


All this information leads us to ask “Is the microwave oven dangerous?” Despite this question, we can affirm that microwaves are safe, efficient, and very convenient cooking methods. In previous studies, there has not been any evidence that microwave ovens cause harm. Some evidence suggests that microwave ovens are better than other cooking methods in preserving nutrients and preventing formation of harmful compounds.

These are best avoided.

  • Overheating or underheating your food
  • Do not stand too close to the microwave
  • Plastic containers are best