Our left-hand tells our story, while our right hand tells our story about what we can accomplish with that story.
Did you hear?
Although what we see and hear can impact our journey, there is one truth: Everything depends on how we use the cards that we have.
Agatha Christie is a familiar name. Would you believe that Winston Churchill, one the greatest speakers of our time, was born with a speech disorder. Or Beethoven? His ninth symphony was one of the most famous works of classical music. He wrote it while he was blind. He sold 70 books that have more than 2 million copies, despite his dyslexia.
If we were to base our predictions on the problems they faced at birth, could we predict who would be such a successful person? Or would we? Because of the challenges they had to deal with, they believed they were doomed for failure. In your life? Unfortunately, we are too fond on sniping. We believe that there is no escape from it. Recently, I came across an article by Şermin Yaşar. Says:
“It isn’t.” “It is not.” This I have heard so many times, I can still clearly recall the facial expressions of those who spoke it. It’s hard to explain, but I was taught early on not to lose heart. Usually, “it happened.” If it didn’t, I said “I tried.” I was often ignored, there were many obstacles in my path, and I felt like I had no choice but to pull myself up and be held responsible. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to see it “is” through trying, toiling, striving despite everyone else.
… It doesn’t happen very often, but sometimes I throw myself on the couch and look at my life, everything that’s going on, what I’ve done, what I couldn’t do, from the outside today. Then, a proverb rings in my ears like an older adult’s sigh as they get up from the ground. Although the dog can see the spring, God knows what stone it ate. Despite all that, I still feel the spring. But, I have to wonder if they needed so many rocks. Isn’t that better? There is a Yunus poem that says somewhere, “Does the cauldron boil by itself/When your surroundings don’t make a fire….” If our surroundings were on fire, we threw wood, and blew a little lumber, maybe we would have boiled the cauldron more easily… If I could get it together after a little sigh, one is looking for support, a shoulder, waiting for a few words of encouragement. It doesn’t always happen. If you aren’t able to find support, don’t lose heart. Because it is still the most beautiful word in the world, he walks upright depending on himself…
You can decide how you want your life to go by transforming someone else’s diagnosis, interpretation or judgment of your disabilities.
Are you ready to let this happen? You are a human being with unlimited potential. You are a human being with all the genetic benefits of humans, including a rational and creative mind. As you have the most significant disadvantage of human beings: Not believing in yourself…
Do you remember a tough childhood? Oprah Winfrey, Kevin Spacey, Charlize Theron… More than fifty percent of the world’s most Successful people have had difficult childhoods…
Are you having learning difficulties? Thomas Edison, Richard Branson, Alexander Graham Bell, George Washington…
Are you unemployed or broke? Are you unemployed and broke? Bill Gates, Simon Cowell, Lady Gaga, Jay Z…
Your choices will determine your ultimate destiny. This is not dependent on what you have been given or how your life has turned out. You have the power to choose.