People spend a lot of time looking in the mirror, and many people attach great importance to their body image. We are all generally We are ready to find a flaw within our bodies. You might recognize some of these sentences.
I wish my legs were a bit thinner
I have a big stomach!
I wish I had smooth skin…
I like my hair curly and straight.
I am very overweight!
I am hideous.
I wish I could. gain weight...
The list goes on. You can stop being so cruel to your own self. Protecting your body is the first step.
How can body image cause unhappiness?
The person who creates it The body he imagines he will have. The type of body he wants, legs, arms, skin, weight… He imagines himself that way and strives to be in that image. He spends a lot of mental energy on the image in his dreams. When he cannot see the image of his dream in the mirror, he becomes disappointed and unhappy. He starts to compare himself with others and is ruthlessly critical of his body. This is the time to be kind to oneself and not to others. How do you make it work?
Show kindness to yourself
Did you ever attempt to be kind to yourself? Consider this: You can be kind to yourself. Do not criticize yourself too much. You can focus on your weaknesses, but would you behave the same way towards someone you love and respect? At this point, don’t use words that you are afraid of telling others. When discussing your body or yourself, it is best to be polite.
Your body is much more than an image.
We focus so much on the form and appearance of our body… How about focusing on what we can do? It would be better if you spent as much time looking at your body as you did exploring its functions. Today, you have woken up with a brand new day and a body that is yours. You don’t like the body and are unable to get up and move. Your body is worth a lot of gratitude. It is best to reduce your time in the mirror finding your flaws. Spend the time. Spend your time focusing on the parts You don’t want to see any part of your body you don’t like. It is not a flawless body, smooth skin, or perfect skin that will bring value to this life.
Respect your body
Don’t compare yourself to others. Instead, realize your strengths! It sounds easy to say. We can’t avoid looking at our negatives or the ugly, but we must not let that stop us. Things in our livesPeople are often unaware of the positive aspects. Did you ever try to speak up for your strengths and good qualities? You can feel the peace that comes with being grateful for all the good things in life. Take a pen and paper… Think! While I might have these problems, I also have such qualities. This will help you be more resilient. This list can be copied and kept in your wallet or posted on a place where it is easily accessible. Feel badYou can then open it and start reading. It will be a good read.
Think about what your body is telling you.
You were not created with these characteristics Negatives Your body. These thoughts are shaped over time. Ask yourself where these thoughts came from. These are your thoughts. Or is this a perception that the environment has imposed on us? Everyone is different, and everyone deserves to be loved.
Sports are great. Healthy eatingFitting in the right way for our bodies is a nice thing. If it has an impact on our lives Quality of life Obsessing our bodies is a way to make it less functional. Consider your motivation for wanting to. Lose weight. Are you doing it because you feel more respected in society? If you are proud of your achievements in life, all your thoughts, dreams and goals, then think about how your flaws can be used to measure your worth. These questions can be answered honestly by you.