You are what you do every day. Excellence is not an act of will but a habit. -Aristotle

Are you fed up of failing to succeed? Reach your goalsWhat are your daily habits? Are you a planner, a dreamer, or a disappointment? I have come to one conclusion from all my research: daily habits.

Even though habits can seem like we are doing things automatically, Do it every day Chaos, they are so much more than that. Our achievements, failures and happiness are all part of who we are. habits. This is the good news: we can live our lives more easily Changes in our habits can make a difference. You can change your habits.

These six steps will help you to get rid of bad habits and create new ones.

1. Awareness

Habits are actions we do subconsciously, often unconsciously. This is why awareness should be our first step. FirstTake the time to identify any bad habits.


Many people choose not to acknowledge their bad habits, or ignore them. Pay attention To their behavior. You should be proud that you are aware of what you do.

Which new habits could you start?

  • Do not look at Social media Before and after a specific period
  • Reading something Every day
  • Keep a journal at least once per week
  • Exercise only 3-5 times per week.

Once you’ve identified the habits you want, you can begin making changes immediately.

2. Identify the causes

If you Feel the need to do the unsavory You should think about why you attempted to change the habit in the first instance. Then ask yourself: Why are you trying to change it? You can change your habits by understanding your motivations.

For example, If you reduce your time on Social mediaYou may find that you have more time to help yourself or spend time with family and friends.

Although it may be difficult to change your habits, creating the conditions for them to change is the most important thing that you can do. The Fogg behavior model, which was developed by BJ Fogg the famed behavioral scientist, states that actions must have the following three elements:

1) Motivation: Fogg. This definition identifies pleasure and pain as well as hope, fear, joy, rejection, social acceptance, or fear as important motivators.

2) Opportunities: The Fogg behavioral model states that there must be enough time, money and talent to execute a behavior.

Triggers: This can be a warning indicator for us. These signs can be helpful in replacing old habits with better ones. We can, for example, set our alarm to 8:45 or 8:30 if we do not use electronic devices after 9 o’clock. The notice is a warning to not use your phone or laptop after nine o’clock. You can place a note on your wall or remind your phone to remind you.

3. Little steps

“Simple mall steps, repeated,” lead to habits. “– Jim Kwik.

Jim Kwik’s book, No Limits The way to change habits You can do it by small steps. Because it is. It is easier to complete small tasks. This goal may be unrealistic and discourage people from exercising. You might be more motivated to exercise 2 days per week for a few weeks.

4. Take care

Everyone knows this: “Prevention is better than treatment”. “We need to stop ourselves from falling into these bad habits. Consider someone who eats a lot and wants to snack. Lose weight. This person should be careful and add fruits and vegetables to their carts instead of eating junk food. What if your bad? Habits is not looking at your phone enough when you need to work.? Turn off your phone until lunch. Focus on your work and don’t worry about incoming messages or social media.

5. Follow-up chart

The “bittracker” is a handy tool to track your daily progress. You can examine your tracking chart if you find too much empty space. This will help you to identify what is keeping you from following your routines, modify your daily routine, and learn some techniques. Keep you motivated.

6. Patience

Be patient… Good Sometimes things do not happen. overnight. It can take up to 66 days to automate new behaviors, according to studies. However, most people can develop any behavior between 18-255 days. Don’t be hard on yourself if it happens. It is not easy to get rid of bad habits. However, you won’t regret it. It is important that you are determined to take action to end your bad habits. Otherwise, you will be unable to motivate yourself to change.

Your confidence in your ability to control your life will come from patience, consistency, and determination. Do DDon’t stop is about developing new behaviors that will help you be more productive and efficient. Although it may take time to adjust, your brain will eventually get used to it. Our brain needs to adjust to new things after we have been doing the same thing for so long. You may feel uncomfortable replacing an old habit by a new one. This bad habit will be repeated, so don’t let it get you down.