Everyone has dreams, hopes, and lists. We believe that when we have the desire to achieve our goals, we can accomplish them quickly with a little motivation. We postpone work until another day, an hour or another time if this isn’t permanent. This is the pointThe ‘procrastination Cycle’ begins.

How can you tell if you are in a procrastination loop?

People involved in the eradication process have no excuses.

  • Tomorrow, I will.
  • I’ll be starting Monday.
  • Let me watch the TV first, eat my dinner, or finish my book. I’ll have a look some other time.
  • There’s more time.

They wait for the perfect/right time.

  • I will start at the beginning.
  • It’ll be done in the next week.
  • When I’m fully motivated, I do it.

Why do we delay?

Failure to plan correctly

When the amount of work that we have to do increases, it makes matters worse. We are now faced with a new stressor: Not knowing where to begin. If we become lost in our accumulated tasks, we panic and exhibit escape behavior. The only way out is to continue procrastinating.

Perfectionist Personality Structure

People with this characteristic often exhibit the ‘all-or-nothing’ pattern. They will not start if they don’t feel they are capable of doing the best job at what they do. They believe their actions are meaningless unless they have the highest standards. If they feel that they can’t do it properly, they put off their work and choose to not do it.

Being Unclear in Goals

It is important to know the difference between aiming and wanting. Although we all have desires, as long we don’t make them a goal, we can wait and not try. It is possible to dream about a pizza, and then not get it. However, if I do not order it or pick up it, a pizza will not be on my table. It is not enough to just want. We procrastinate if we don’t set goals because there is no way to get there.

Find Extrinsic Motivation

This is the biggest myth. Everyone wants to be motivated. However, we constantly look for motivation. If we don’t create internal reasons, the source of our expectations doesn’t come from outside. This is another reason why procrastination keeps going.

How can we stop procrastination?

If you are interested in feel lost Don’t be discouraged if you find yourself in the procrastination loop. You can break this cycle by making a small effort.

Set Attainable Goals

It is possible to climb a ladder with ten steps. It is important to realize that you can’t reach the top of the ladder in one step. You must take each step one at a time and work your way up to the next level. Do not allow situations to force you to quit at the beginning.

You can plan for your goal

Planning is one of the most important aspects of planning. The golden rules To determine the best path to reach your goals. It is therefore important to plan your route well.


It is impossible to complete all tasks at once. Set a priority and prioritize your tasks so you can complete them in the order they are due. Once you are done with one job, you can move onto the next.

Flexibility for You

Sometimes, things don’t go as we planned. It is quite common to become tired and have deficiencies in the course of your work. Accept that this is all part of the process and move on.