If I ask everyone to count their five sense organs, almost everyone will answer yes. Although this would be accurate, it is incomplete. The five senses that we are most familiar with are sight, hearing and smell. These senses are important because they help us perceive the world. You might have seen babies exploring their surroundings with them. You may have seen them do some serious work like looking over the background and then putting everything in there mouths.
These five senses are tools that allow us to explore our environment. Two other reasons have been mentioned frequently in recent years. They were not named until the 1900s. Interoception and proprioception are two examples. These are also known as the 6th or 7th senses.
Proprioception can be described as the “feeling of knowing”. Perception of the body The possibility of it in outer space. The proprioceptive receptors within our muscles and joints allow us to avoid hitting anything while walking. We can also adjust our (socially) distance from other people. We can also move things without having to look at them. For example, picking up a glass on a table without looking at it. Pushing, pulling, and lifting an object are all possible without needing them. We use very little power. Interception is Awareness of inner space. Special nerve receptors allow us to see what is inside our bodies.It is possible to know when we’re hungry, full, thirsty, need to go to a bathroom, or when we are too tired to do the job. Imagine if we couldn’t… At the same time, our emotions have their counterparts in the physical body. These interceptive senses can help us notice the differences. Our muscles contract when we’re tense and our heart beats when excited. We blush when embarrassed.
Seventh sense: our inner sage
We don’t always have a Problem with the six first sensesMost people do not succeed in this interceptive sense. “How did you do that? feel?” This question is not always “good” or “bad.”. Many of us struggle to understand what we feel and the signals that our bodies give. We eat food without realizing we are hungry, and we often ignore our bodies’ needs (rest, sleep, etc.).Unconsciously, we suppress some sensations (e.g., not going to the toilet, suppressing our yawning). We don’t. We know what we want; even though we do, we don’t care.. This question is not something we are used to.
Missuse of the seventh sense: Betrayal by the inner sage
All this has led to what we now call prajnapradha Ayurveda is a misuse of the senses. It’s also a betrayal to the inner sage. It’s like sleeping when you’re not asleep. It takes a lot of time In front of the screen, eating when you are not hungry, delaying the bathroom, suppressing yawning, and burping. According to AyurvedaThis betrayal is one the main causes of disease. This is due to the weakness of our interception. That is, our awareness about the inner space.
How can we increase our inner space awareness?
You can increase your interceptive sensory ability by doing certain things. Meditation is one of many valuable and enjoyable ways to do this. Don’t think meditation is sitting around doing nothing, and then saying, “Oh no, I can’t.” This is a mistake. But you’re mistaken. Meditation is the best way to meditate Sitting while everything happens is a good practice. As you become aware You cross the threshold by being aware of the environment around you, your senses, your taste buds, your smells, your touch with the place where you are sitting. This is the Mind is not in control You control your mind; you are the one who controls you
With your attention focusing on the inner space and these five senses, you will be able to notice the tightening of your stomach due to stress. You can also see the intensity of something that you cannot speak in your throat. You can reduce this tension. This tension can be decreased even now. You can strengthen your proprioceptive abilities by doing a Mindful body Yoga is a great way to improve your outlook on the world and yourself.