The American Psychological Association (APA) defines anxiety as “an emotion characterized by physical changes such as feelings of tension, anxious thoughts, and increased blood pressure.” Knowing the difference between normal feelings of anxiety and an anxiety disorder that requires medical attention can help a person identify and treat the condition. This article will examine the symptoms and signs of anxiety and offer treatment options.
Anxiety symptoms
- Restlessness and a feeling of being “on edge.”
- Anxiety and panic attacks that are uncontrollable
- Increased irritability
- concentration difficulties
- Sleep problems, such as trouble sleeping Falling asleep Staying asleep or going to sleep
Although these symptoms can be common in everyday life, they are more common for people suffering from anxiety disorders.
Types of anxiety
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders: Fifth Edition (DSMV) breaks down anxiety disorders into several main types.
Generalized anxiety disorder Chronic illness that causes excessive anxiety and long-term worry about everyday life, objects and situations. GAD is the most prevalent anxiety disorder. People with it are often not able to recognize the symptoms. They are anxious because of it..
Panic Disorder: This is a condition that causes recurrent, intense episodes of anxiety or fear that terrorize people.. Panic Attack is a sudden, severe panic attack that can last up to 10 minutes. It will usually go away after about 10-30 minutes, but it does not happen for more than an hour.
Specific Phobias These phobias were formerly known simply as irrational/extreme fear of specific objects or situations. Phobias do not resemble other anxiety. When disorders are related to one cause. Persons with phobias may view fear as excessive or irrational, but they cannot control their emotional anxiety around the trigger.
Agoraphobia: Fears include being away from home, going to public places, shopping malls or shops, being surrounded by people, watching movies, and being in closed and narrow rooms. He avoids these places or has great fears while there. Agonyphobia and panic attacks often occur together.
Social anxiety An anxiety disorder called social phobia or disorder is a condition in which an individual experiences constant embarrassment in social settings where others might judge them. People fear situations in which they have to interact with others, or perform actions in their presence. Avoid them as much as you can.
Separation anxiety disorder Separation anxiety disorder causes high levels of anxiety when someone or something gives you a sense of security and safety. Separation can cause panic symptoms.
Possible causes
- Environment stressors like difficulties at school, work, or in your family, and relationship problems or family problems
- As they are genetically predisposed to anxiety disorders, people who have a relative with it are more likely.
- Medical These factors include symptoms A different disease, the effects or long-term recovery from a drug, stress during intensive surgery, or a long-term recovery
- Insufficient hormones and electrical signals within the brain; brain Chemistry
Methods to treat anxiety
- self-treatment
Sometimes an individual can manage anxiety disorders at home, even without professional supervision. This may not work for long-term or severe anxiety disorders. Various There are many exercises and activities that can be done to help the person deal with their problems. With milder, or less severe, anxiety disorders.
- Professional support
Counselling is the most common method to deal with anxiety. Counselling may include cognitive-behavioral (CBT) or psychotherapy.
- Medicines
There are many medications that can be used to help with anxiety management. Some medications can be controlled Physical and mental symptoms Include antidepressants and tricyclics, as well as beta-blockers.