Imagine a baby’s development and health is dependent on their age. Think about the baby’s first steps, or take a look at the babies around it. Maybe crawling, maybe crawling, and eventually walking. Sometimes they can balance well while walking and sometimes they stumble a bit. Sometimes they even fall and get hurt. They stop walking. Have you ever seen a child who stopped walking because of injury? You can’t stop, cry or change the course, but they keep walking.

Walking is an excellent way to exercise. We learn basic activities as babies, and we continue them for our entire lives as long as it is good for us. allows. The act of walking does not change with age. We can still fall, stumble and even be injured while walking, just as in our infancy. Then, when we are able to regain our balance and heal from injuries, or learn from any obstacles we don’t see or know about, we can change our route or go on with our normal lives.

Our active actions on road: Determination

This action, which includes learning, keeps us going, is called “determination”, according to the author of The Happiness Trap Dr. Russ Harris He defines determination as the ability to take effective action. . No matter how connected you feel to your inner resources and psychologically present, you can’t have a meaningful existence. If you don’t make a commitment to being effective, life is not worth living action.

This allows us to see that actions with determination can be integrated with our ability to live in harmony with our values. If we’re talking about determination, it is simple. We are trying to achieve a goal A state of mind and action toward this goal. Value is, on the contrary, the things we choose to take with us on our journey, even if we don’t know if we will reach this goal. Are we aware of the core values that give meaning to our lives and add value? What values are most important to us? Family, connection, hard work, honesty and contribution.

For a moment, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Assume that you are now in your thirties and you feel peaceful. Which values were you able to live by? The inner satisfaction of life is the journey you feel now embraces you? Please keep track of all your discoveries.

The road is lit with lights

Truth is that our values are subjective and subject to change. Our archive is what we experience and see as we go through our lives. All the accumulated values attempt to create order in themselves by storing what we add or change. The order of our lives is constantly affected by our needs and our experiences. Our ‘challenge value’ may be the most prominent in the chaos of our lives in one time, but our creativity and innovation may take center stage in other times when we have more opportunities. Increase our energy and increase our productivity The stakes are high. This is your choice. We are driven to take action when we are aware of the choice that we have made. Which value did you choose? These questions will help you decide if you are acting in line with your values. It makes it possible. Live your best life Without memorizing it .

Obstacles on the way: What can’t we do?

Can there really be convincing arguments? We will not allow mistakes or failures to affect the way we continue on our path.? If we are true to our values and act with determination, things will always turn out in our favor. You probably know the answer. You can’t do it all. It isn’t possible to have everything you want. This is where we can reconsider. Whether it is better to continue on the current path or change the course By focusing on our actions in accordance with our values.

Psychologist Cansu Kamar says, “Everything in life starts with not being able to do it. It doesn’t matter what you did with the things you couldn’t do. In his book, “If You Are a Good Person”, he states that Never forget to remember . It is normal to feel anxious and insecure when we are faced with difficulties. The It is important to accept these circumstances as obstacles and be willing to feel all of them. That is, to allow for all emotions that come with being human: joy, anger, frustration, etc.

When we don’t struggle with emotions, their intensity doesn’t increase, and the learning process goes on. The experience we have acquired is a source of strength. Strength is more calm and insightful determination than heart-pounding aggression. .” says neuropsychologist Rick Hanson. Rick Hanson, a neuropsychologist, emphasizes the importance of power. Power, which can include energy and determination is not used to control people or things, but to support our intentions. Dr. Hanson says that we can see power being reinforced by our intentions and channeled to goals that align with these intentions. This is why he emphasizes the importance of setting virtuous intentions, regardless of the consequences. Our values and our choices in life are what open up the doors to our future. With our active actions, our values will continue to support the dance of our strong intentions.

State on the road: Changeability, discovery and what we have learned

These values help us decide what type of person we want, what priorities we place on life, and how we wish to contribute to it. While we continue to live life as it is, we know what is happening with each step along the way, from the path we have created through our intentions and times when we made mistakes. We think we are lost.. There is no easy way, no straight path to it. Right or wrong. It can be used to discover, change, and teach. You can choose to live life with the ability to endure and even enjoy what we don’t like, or you can choose to do so. Live your life fully and actively Condemning it.

Hoping to be able to look at why, for what purpose and how we prefer to walk the road, rather than just the structure of the road we walk…