What makes us love to eat?

Brandy, a woman with anxiety and a problem named Brandy seeks to find a solution. Margaret Paul, a relationship expert. He said that he doesn’t feel the warmth of love, except for the occasional affection he gets from his wife or other family members.

“I don’t feel the love that I feel for my wife. I want children but am afraid I will not feel the love that I should for my children. I am only warm when I’m shown love by someone else, but I don’t feel the same for my wife. I Yes, I love him. But I don’t know how to feel. it. “What is the problem?”

This problem is common in many ways. People seek the warm feeling we call love. They often think that love is to be infatuated with their partner and see the same emotional intimacy. This is not the definition of love. This is how you feel. This definition can be a hindrance to your ability to feel the love you desire. true love we desire.

Missinterpreting love

Brandy’s Problem at the Root There is a misconception about where love comes from. 

Margaret Paul is able to see that Brandy has a variety of methods she’s used throughout her life to get and keep control over love. Brandy’s anger at her husband for not doing what she wants, and her self-disclosure of her punishment are just a couple of examples. Brandy has learned to take responsibility for her own feelings and to blame others for her feelings about security and worth. Now, she’s doing the same with her husband. He is constantly in need of love, but he cannot give that love to others. These two problems are closely connected.

The heart cannot taste the true magic of love if the only goal of a relationship it to be loved by others.

Love cannot be created, but we can open our hearts and minds to it.

Hafiz-i Shirazi, the Iranian poet, stated that we do not love ourselves. We love the Ney’s eyes into which God pours his love.

This perspective of love is more insightful than any religious references. Love is not something that you create. It exists already; we only have to open ourselves up to it, or get closer.

It is amazing to share love. But if the goal is to get love from others it is impossible to have love that you can share. The best thing about love is that it can be shared with others. Way to This is the way to get rid of your need for love. To love yourself. It’s about being kind to yourself and showing respect.

Loving yourself is not selfish, contrary to what some may believe. self-responsibility. Being kind to yourself will allow you to connect with your inner love source so that you can love others instead of feeding on it.

Learn to open your heart and love

Your Heart acts according to what you intend. If you can consciously learn how to love yourself, you will find your heart open. You can tap into your inner love and share your passion with others.

Brandy I gave up on controlling others’ attention and decided to learn to love myself.She was fascinated by the warmth of love she felt in her heart for the first time. For her partner, time is a precious commodity Others. It was an addiction that had led to him trying so hard to realize this purpose. It was possible to learn to remain in the moment and be with her emotions, body, as well as moment. Brandy realized this by not allowing herself to feel her emotions and judging herself. Asking questions is a constant practice She was betraying herself by pursuing others for love; he felt alone, anxious, and inwardly unworthy. Brandy began to feel happier, safer, and more loving when she learned how to love herself. Then she was able share that love with her husband and other people.