Consider the activities that you engage in each day. Maybe you got up and had a glass of water. Or you washed your hair and brush your teeth. Perhaps you put cream on your face. Next, you made tea. You then get dressed up and head off to your destination. You spoke to only a handful of people throughout the day. You ate, had coffee, did your job, and returned to your home. You got into the shower. You turn on a television series. Spend your time In front of the television.
What number of these activities have you done with full awareness?
What number of them did you do with all your attention, as if this was the first time you tried? Did you notice the way you move your toothbrush while you brush your teeth? Do you like toothpaste? Are you aware of the order you shower and how the water feels on your skin? Have you noticed the places you pass on the way? Get to your destination? What was the weather like? Are there clouds in the sky today? As you chop the ingredients to make dinner, was your focus on the task at hand? You have a thought in your head During the day?
I believe you understand my point. Unconsciously, we do many things throughout the day without realizing it. It’s as if we have trained an automatic pilot to perform certain tasks, but we don’t think or notice. This is what it looks like in practice state of mind It is beneficial for us. Imagine a driver acting like he was getting in the car for the first-time every time. If he became anxious while driving and couldn’t talk to his passenger, driving would become torture and many accidents would ensue. Many drivers can drive the car comfortably and on autopilot without realizing it. This is a beautiful feature of our minds!
There is however one thing that can go wrong. If we don’t focus on what is happening and instead do it automatically, our attention can shift to the past or future.. These thoughts can cause us to worry about another subject and jump from branch to branch. We may think we need to buy a new coat because we are worried about what we’ll wear tomorrow. We remember later that we cannot accept skin unless we pay our credit card debt. Later, however, we realize that we have the ability to repay the debt that we owe our friend. This worries us because our friend still hasn’t paid his debt. We feel impatient, anxious, and angry. Have you ever experienced moments like these?
Take a moment to think about your life!
Do you remember ever finding yourself responding mentally to the argument with a friend last night, while still completing a task at hand? You realize that you are planning for tomorrow when a friend is talking. Did you ever notice that when you go to the kitchen to get knives, you come back with glasses? You’ve probably seen similar situations.
This is perfectly normal, as this is how our minds are created. It is already possible to think. But We get stressed when we become too dependent on autopilot and allow it to take control of everything. The majority Negatives We complain about the things that happen when we lose control. Life slips by without our conscious awareness. Our reason can be found in the present or the future. We cannot Enjoy the beauty of life You are in the moment. We become more dissatisfied and unhappy if we miss out on the best things in life. This is the moment when we must take control of our lives and bring awareness to the present moment. This skill allows you to slow down.
To exit Autopilot, follow these 3 steps
1. Notice
We don’t see what’s going on when our minds are on autopilot. Even though we may know what we’re doing, our minds are still disconnected from what’s actually happening. So The first The next step is to realize that autopilot is active. When we are able to see our mind, it is activated. We know that we are on autopilot when our attention is elsewhere. This skill is learnable and will allow you to take back control. Recognizing this moment will help you to return control of your life. The lived to your mind Choose what you want to focus your attention on at the moment. One example is when you notice your mind struggling to think while you walk, and don’t notice the world around you.
2. Now, back to now
Let’s continue the walking example. Once you realize that you are on automaticpilot while walking, you can focus your attention on people passing by, the way your feet move during walking, and the weather to help you get back in the present moment. When you realize that your autopilot is on, you can regain control. It is not possible to let go of control. Focusing your attention on what you are doing at any given moment and noticing how it makes us feel is a great way to take control and be conscious of what we do.
3. Reinforce
Although it is important to get off the autopilot and take action with awareness, this alone might not be enough for you to make a difference in your life. You can improve your life by noticing what you are doing. Daily routines Focus your attention on one action and do them mindfully. Repeating it will teach your mind that you have a choice. Choose an activity that you do every day, such as brushing your teeth, coffee drinking, cleaning the kitchen, or going to bed. You can do this for one week. By focusing on that activity and paying attention to it, you will reinforce the habit of your mind returning to the present. It will be beneficial. It can help you focus your attention.
1. Write down a routine activity that you performed during the week.
2. Slow down and pay attention to each step as you do the activity.
3. Keep a daily record of how you feel and what you notice. Also note whether or not you have difficulty with the activity.