Humanity is a part of sexuality. Sexual health has many impacts, ranging from romantic relationships to psychological and emotional health to happiness and quality of life.. However, the topic is still considered taboo by many.

What do you know about sexuality? How much of what is known about sexuality is accurate? Sexuality is still a mystery in our society. It should not be discussed nor investigated. It seems that it is easier than ever to find information about these issues using technology, but there are many incorrect information available on the internet. It is easier to find false information than accurate information, unfortunately. As a psychologist who works in this area, I’d like to tell you about the sexuality myths we make.

Many people have experienced this. Sexual problems At some point in their lives. Problems Such as vaginismus and premature ejaculation. sexual reluctancePeople’s psychological problems, known as “Sexual Dysfunctions”, can cause significant difficulties in their relationships and psychological health, which can lead to a reduction in quality of life. All these problems stem from our sexual beliefs. These are based on the inaccuracies we have accumulated since childhood. People can feel ashamed of sexuality issues if they don’t want to discuss them in public. False beliefs About sexuality

Sexual myths are exaggerated false, illogical beliefs Sexual ignorance or misinformation can lead to sexuality. Let’s examine the most common myths about sexuality together.

1. Sexual intercourse means sexual intercourse.

Every sexual encounter does not have to end in sexual intercourse. Foreplay is what you need to see. Both parties are more aroused and this triggers physiological and psychological changes. satisfaction. This belief prevents people from enjoying foreplay and allowing them to continue their sexual acts with a sense or duty. This belief can cause many problems, including inability to orgasm and inability to get aroused by women.

2. Masturbation can be harmful and dirty.

This myth is one the most popular and oldest sexual beliefs. Masturbation is not a method of causing mental or bodily harm. It doesn’t cause any. sexual dysfunction. It is, however, recommended for use in the recognition of one’s sexuality during sexual therapies. It is not possible to have a “habit”. You shouldn’t feel guilt or shame after masturbation.

3. The male should initiate all sexual relations.

This belief states that men are always open to sexual intercourse. This expectation places men under immense pressure and can lead to sexual dysfunctions. Women have the right of expression, and that does not make them “immoral”. Contrary to popular belief, women’s abilities to lead and take initiative are a strength. Relationships increase her sexual desire pleasure.

4. Sexuality can be instinctive or learned.

Through experience and learning, sexual attitudes and behavior can be developed. The practice and knowledge necessary to improve sexual skills are key. Clients in sexual therapy are first informed about the anatomy of sexuality and its nature. Sexuality does not require talent. Anyone who has ever experienced sexuality can be sufficiently educated about it. enjoy sexual intercourse. There are many things to do. About sexuality

5. All physical contact must lead to sexual intercourse.

Sex is not for pleasure but to have an experience. Sexual intercourse does not have to be the end of physical intimacy. These activities can be enjoyed even without the need for sexual intercourse. These activities are more important than you might think. It will strengthen the relationship between you and your partner.

6. Intercourse should be the best way to get orgasm for women.

Research has shown that only 20% can have an illicit sexual relationship with a woman. Female orgasm is not limited to intercourse. Many women claim that clitoral stimulation is a better way to have orgasm. This is not a bad thing. This is an error. Many women believe that they can cause cancer. A person can worry about feeling inadequate.

7. Sexual fantasies can be immoral, perverse and unfaithful.

This belief is widely held. Among the people. Sexual fantasies should not be considered a cause for shame. Sexual arousal is not limited to visual, auditory and tactile stimuli. It is possible to stimulate individuals with sexual fantasies. But just because you see it does not mean that it is what you want. Real life.

8. Do not speak during sexual intercourse.

This belief is the biggest obstacle to communication. You will enjoy more pleasure if you direct the other party in sexual intercourse. It is also important to communicate your needs and desires so that there are no misunderstandings and possible problems.