What are the things in our lives that cause us to experience psychological distress? How effective is our thinking in dealing with the psychological distress that we experience? We have certain ideas we can’t explain. Cognitive therapy, as well as other therapies developed under its influence, can provide the answers to these questions. Techniques such as Schema therapy Acceptance, commitment therapy and dialectical behavior therapy are all known. Cognitive procedures and third-wave cognitive therapiesThese mainly concern mental processes that the person is not aware of. Before we get into incompatible schemas, let’s have a closer look at each approach.

These are the methods that we use. Situations that cause distress to the individual and their causes Psychological distress refers primarily to the process of evaluating and interpreting the events/situations that occur to a person. Let’s say the person perceives reality. The person perceives things in a distorted way and expresses his thoughts accordingly. It means the person is affected by the way he perceives the event. Psychological disorders are thoughts that have a wrong content according to others. This is the best approach. Schema Therapy teaches that the following: The reason is A person may experience psychological problems as an adult. is incompatible stereotypes and maladaptive schemas.

What is the schema concept?

In my previous article we briefly covered the schemes. This is the moment to get more detailed!

Let’s begin with schema. Schemas are stereotypes that are formed from childhood experiences and continued to develop in adulthood. Diagrams can be about any topic, state or object. We all associate a book with joined papers that have letters, numbers and sometimes figures. They contain sentences and are generally organized in numbered order. This information is also included in our ‘Book’ chart. Our schemas are formed from the information we have learned by listening, seeing, and experiencing it over time. The Book schema is created by the information we see in books and then reinforce it by reading. them.

Schemas are generally mental products that help you make decisions. Work of people These schemas make our daily lives more efficient and practical. These schemas are known as compatible schemas. Compatibility Schemes: Realistic and realistic Healthy thoughts. It makes life easier. When the subject is more abstract, like the relationship between an individual and his/her family, however, we can make mistakes or see things that are not right. However, incompatible schemas are formed by a person’s childhood experiences. They can also be triggered by events that occur in adult life which may disrupt the person’s harmony and life. These are often irrational. Negatives. They can cause suffering and other problems.

Incompatible Schemas

Incompatible schemas frequently contain repetitive, rigid and Negative The thought content refers generally to negative beliefs about yourself and others. You can take, for example: I can’t do it right, people can’t trust me, &I must always look good. People can hurt me. These thoughts are found in maladaptive schemes. These Thoughts that recur throughout your life You should be honest about your feelings for the person. These thoughts do not reflect objective opinions of the person, and can impair Atherton’s daily living. Incompatible schemas are difficult to survive. We give up on them in order to live with them. Sometimes we are unable to deal with them.

Young et al., Their research led to the discovery of 18 maladaptive schemas, which can cause psychological problems in people.. A person might not have incompatible schemas, or may have more than one triggered scheme.

Incompatible Schema Types

  1. Abandonment scheme: It is The individual’s perception of and feelings that others will abandon him, that they won’t provide the needed support and that he will be isolated emotionally.
  2. Insecurity schema Individual’s perception of and feelings that they will be hurt, hurt, or abused.
  3. Emotional deprivation schema: It is the perception of an individual that he cannot feel loved or understood.
  4. Imperfection schema: It is an individual’s inner perception and feeling that they are inwardly flawed, unattractive, worthless, or defective.
  5. Social Isolation Schema is an individual’s perception of and feeling of being alone from others.
  6. Dependency schema: It The individual’s belief and perception that he can not fulfill his responsibilities alone.
  7. Persistence schema: This is an abnormal anxiety that the person feels that something bad can happen at any time and that he cannot stop it.
  8. Nesting schema This is when an individual feels an excessive amount of emotional attachment or intimacy with one person, but is not fully individuated.
  9. Failure schema: It is the individual’s belief that he will eventually fail.
  10. Entitlement scheme Individuals’ belief in themselves and their perception of others as superior and privileged.
  11. Inadequate self-control schema: It’s the situation in which the individual is Expresses his emotions and excessive impulses without restricting them, and has difficulty following the rules.
  12. Submissiveness schema: Situation in which an individual gives up control to others in order to avoid conflict and abandonment.
  13. Altruism schema: An individual who puts others’ needs before his own.
  14. Approval-seeking scheme: This is when an individual puts too much emphasis on getting approval or acceptance for his work.
  15. Pessimism schema: It’s when an individual ignores the situation The positive aspects of living a happy life Events and focuses only upon the negative aspects.
  16. Emotion suppression schema It is when an individual avoids being condemned by others by suppressing their spontaneity, feelings, thoughts, and actions.
  17. High standards scheme High standards are internalized, which is often used to avoid criticism. It also means that you make intense efforts to achieve them.
  18. Punishment schema The individual’s belief and perception that they should be punished for their mistakes.