You found the person you are looking for, fell in LOVE, got the promotion that you have been waiting for, and finally reached the weight you desire. It’s exciting to share this news with all your friends. What is the problem? You didn’t get the response you expected. You might have been discouraged, or it may have even hurt you.

We don’t know. Many of us know someone like this in our lives.

If any of these signs are painfully familiar, If so, it is best to seek help immediately. Your friend is trying control you and your emotions. You may find yourself becoming ruthless if you don’t answer the phone, demanding an explanation, or making you feel guilty about not being there on weekends. It’s time for a hard, but necessary conversation. Because you might have had a good relationship with him. You embarked on an adventure. Toxic friendship It could lead to you being negatively affected.

Toxic friendships are not a good idea. Let’s talk how to handle a friend who is constantly making you feel bad. Feel bad You don’t want your life to be slowed down.

Pay attention to the trigger

Which issues does he exhibit envious reactions to? He becomes aggressive on what issues? He wants to make sure that nothing happens. “Whenever I get excited about his plans, he turns aggressive, telling me how absurd those plans are. You might be right if he believes his future is less bright than yours.

We can say, therefore, that there is a Comparison?

You will understand your friend’s triggers better if you pay more attention to them.

Learn the difference between negativity, jealousy, and depression

Complex beings make up the human race. Our mental, emotional, and physical health are all complex. Physical health All of these factors are interconnected and drive our actions, moods, and words. The comments of a friend may contain more than minor negative comments.

Recent research shows People with depression are more likely to have a diagnosis. It can be difficult to tell the difference between negative and positive emotions.

He may be jealous of you and have trouble admitting it, or may not be able describe his actions in the same way. Yet, it wouldn’t be healthy to approach him with the judgement of “You are jealous of my”.

Use your Ability to observe Understand the root cause. He might be struggling to manage it. Negatives His mind. While it can be annoying to be around someone who is constantly negative or judgmental, try to frame your situation. Compassion and empathy.

People who are overwhelmingly negative often struggle with themselves.

Ask your friend how his day is going and remind him that you’re always there for him. You must be able to see past their negative comments and not let them drag you down. Protect your borders.

Talk to your friend as soon possible.

Once you are certain of their location, Aggressive and jealousy If you have any doubts about where your friend is coming from, speak to him immediately and express your feelings. He may assume you are ranting and not taking you seriously. When you aren’t feeling angry or attacked by what you do, it’s better to talk.

It is important to have a conversation Keep your mind open and calm. So your friend doesn’t feel threatened by the future of your friendship, and doesn’t react in an overreactive way negative comments. Psychologist Irene S. Levine recommends that you keep the conversation flowing to maintain a smooth flow. To use the “I” language When you speak.

Do you feel nervous about having to have a conversation with someone? Here are some tips…

Although it may be difficult to talk about this issue, there are strategies that can make it easier. These are Levine’s top tips. Tips to make the conversation smoother and more productive as possible:

1. Use empathy language to show you care about both the parties.

Instead of accusing him with jealousy or aggressive behavior, tell them that you are concerned about his feelings. It’s possible to let him know that you are concerned about your friendship’s state and that you want to see a change in his attitude. You can also try to view the problem from his point of view.

2. Practice active listening.

Eliminate all distractions from your surroundings. Keep your eyes open while you talk. Pay attention to the answers of your friend and don’t interrupt him.

3. Do not ignore your feelings but make her feel valued.

“I understand why” This is how you feel.

“I can understand how you feel upset.”

“I can understand his behavior.” way.” Problems? You will find it easier to accept the sentences that follow the ones you’ve already read.

4. If you feel the need to, you can either end the friendship or separate yourself. You shouldn’t feel ashamed about it.

If communication and trying to make the situation better doesn’t work and your friend continues to treat you poorly, it’s best to quit. It’s time to move on. “Friendships should be voluntary and mutually rewarding.” says Levine. Friends who support us and make us better people are what we all need. You don’t have to feel guilty about your choices. Don’t let their opinions influence how you think. It is your MOST natural instinct to do what is right for you.