Active people and athletes need to eat well in order to prepare for their exercise. Athlete nutrition refers to a specific nutrition program that is designed for athletes in order to improve their training and athletic performance, depending on the sport they are involved in.

It doesn’t matter if they are exercising, walking, pilates or for fitness. A healthy diet is vital for athletes in order to improve their health, endurance and concentration as well as their ability to get the most out of sports. When researching a diet, it is important to do thorough research. A nutrition program has been created for each athlete. The athlete’s basal metabolic rate, daily calorie intake, and daily Nutritional value evaluate the training programs and establish the right sports nutrition habits.

To get the most out of their sport, every athlete must know how to do it best. From his sport. Each branch may have its own ideal weight, body fat, and other limiting factors. Each branch is unique and professional athletes favor the forms that enable them to be efficient in their respective areas. The following options are available to athletes: Definition of the process of weight loss and fat lossBulking is the act of increasing your muscle mass and weight. Steps should be taken to ensure that you maintain your ideal weight. This is the time to ensure a good mix of carbohydrates, proteins, fats.


Glycogen can be used as a quick energy source for muscle activity. Glycogen is used to fuel muscles during exercise. The muscles usually have enough glycogen to last 60-90 minutes. Minutes of exerciseYou can replenish these glycogen stores by eating carbs as necessary between workouts. High endurance times are a result of high glycogen levels in athletes.

High-carbohydrate diets allow athletes to be more fit. These glycogen stores can be increased by 1.5-2x. Athletes should include complex carbohydrate sources, such as bread, pasta, bread, vegetables and legumes, in their nutrition programs.

A decrease in glycogen stores or depletion can lead to injuries. Chronic fatigue You can overtrain. Carbohydrates make up the majority of daily energy intake. Athletes should consume 60-65 percent of their daily energy intake. Carbohydrate source foods. This can be up to 70% for endurance sports.

You can also calculate the amount of carbohydrates you take based on your body weight. The amount of exercise and the intensity of it can affect how much you take in carbohydrates per day.


Muscle building and repair is the most important function of protein for those who exercise. You can get your protein needs met by animal products like milk, dairy products, meats, eggs, chicken, fish, and legumes.

High-level athletes and exercisers require protein 1.5-2 times more than those who are inactive. This is based on the following: It is possible to state that between 12 and 15% of your daily calories should be made up of protein. According to your body Weight. The recommended weight for endurance athletes is between 1.2 and1.4 g/kg/day, while the recommended weight for strength athletes should be between 1.6 and1.7 g/kg.

Gender, fitness level, type and amount of exercise required, as well as body weight, daily energy requirements, and carbohydrate intake. Protein is an essential energy source for athletes, particularly during training when carbohydrate reserves are low.

More protein than The The body uses energy to meet its needs. They are stored as fat. Calcium loss occurs when there is too much protein in the body.


The body’s primary energy source is fats. To ensure that the body can absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A-D, E and K and avoid digestive problems, it must eat fat-source food.

Increasing fat intake and decreasing carbohydrate intake can adversely affect performance. At least 20-25% of athletes’ daily energy should be obtained from fat. However, studies also show that a diet containing less than 15% fat can have a negative impact on performance and blood lipids.

Fluid consumption

Instead of drinking large quantities of fluids at long intervals before exercising, athletes should consume enough Fluids can be absorbed by taking small quantities of fluids at regular intervals. Drinking fluids in excess for 24 hours before you exercise is a must. You should drink approximately 500mL of fluid four hours before you start a workout. The time it takes for the liquid’s to be absorbed is therefore reduced. Removed from the body Before training is given.

To maintain a healthy body, it is important to drink enough fluids. Fluid balance in the body During exercise. The ideal fluid consumption is 150-350mL of water, sports drinks (especially for endurance sports), at 15-20 minute intervals. Fluids are not enough to compensate for fluid losses during exercise. The fluid must be eliminated after exercise.

Drinking Water keeps athletes hydratedThe body needs energy, however. To reach 150% of your body’s fluid consumption It is important to lose weight while exercising in order to make up for any losses. Caused by sweating. Aim to consume 450-675mL (approximately 2-3 glasses) of fluid for every half kilogram of body weight lost due to exercise. Recovery from exercise can be helped by drinking milk or sports drinks.

What should you eat before and during your workouts?

It is crucial to maintain the correct balance of carbohydrates, protein, and carbs before and after working out. A pre-exercise snack containing carbohydrates or protein can help athletes feel more energetic.

These snacks can be kept in your gym bag or fridge:

  • Banana
  • Orange, grape and strawberry
  • Hazelnut
  • peanut butter

Supplements for athletes

Ergogenic aids (vitamins, creatine, sodium bicarbonate and other sports nutrition products) are used when they are not needed. If ergogenic aids (vitamins, creatine, sodium bicarbonate, etc.) are not used as directed, athletes can waste money and put their health at risk. Consider factors such as gender, age, sport and whether the athlete is a professional or amateur, and any other health issues when choosing these products. Additionally, avoid indiscriminate usage of stimulants and doping lists items in some nutritional ergogenic drugs.

Here are the nutritional support products which can be used after evaluations of safety, utility, efficacy and legal status.

  • Anaerobic exercise performance can be improved with the addition of sodium citrate or sodium bicarbonate as alkalizing agents.
  • L-arginine is known to support aerobic performance.
  • Beta-alanine enhances aerobic and anaerobic exercise performance.
  • Caffeine enhances endurance and reaction speed.
  • Creatine Increases strength and power.
  • In endurance training, Nitrate can improve aerobic respiration.

All factors are necessary for an athlete to realize their full potential. Body systems Everyone must be at their best. It is important to provide proper nutrition, fluid intake, and other support depending on your age, gender and type of sport or environmental conditions.