While vegan products have gained ground on the shelves in recent years, interest in alternatives to animal food is growing daily. Almond milk is one of these alternative products! Almond milk can be made at home and is a great way of ensuring that no additives have been added. It is also a great option to diversify your morning coffees

If you think so, A lactose-free and vegan diet It is You find almond milk more suitable for your needs but aren’t sure if you should switch from cow’s to almond milk. Let’s look at the benefits and what almond milk is!

What is almond butter? What are its benefits?

Almond milk, a plant-based substitute for cow’s dairy milk, is an alternative to cows milk. Almond milk is made from a combination of almonds and water, which is similar to hemp or oat milk. It tastes very different from dairy milk but is quite nutritious due to its high levels of protein, calcium and phosphorus as well as its vitamin E content.

Almond milk’s main ingredient is water. Unsweetened almond milk is safe and healthy. The unsweetened milk is lower in calories than traditional cow’s milk. It is important to remember that the meaning of fit can be different. According to the individual’s nutritional needs needs. Almond milk is an excellent choice for those who want to manage their weight. The benefits of almond milk include:

Nutritional values for almond milk:

  • Calories: 36.6
  • Fat: 2.68 g
  • Sodium: 173mg
  • Carbohydrates 1.42 g
  • Sugar: 0g
  • Protein: 1.44 g
  • Calcium: 481mg

These values are calculated using one glass unsweetened almondmilk.

What are the advantages?

Almond milk has a higher level of vitamins than other plant-based milks, and is especially vibrant in this regard. vitamin E. Calcium is a good source of energy, despite the low calorie and sugar rates. It is safe and delicious for people suffering from animal food allergies and lactose intolerance. 

Although it is not a sanitizer, Nutritive value Although almonds are rich in nutrients, it is important to remember that they are oily seeds. It is important to limit its intake, just as with all other foods. It will become fat if it is consumed in excess.


1 cup raw almonds

Three glasses of water

You can optionally add the following: 

Three dates, peeled, pitted

One teaspoon cinnamon

One teaspoon vanilla

How does it work?

  1. For 8 to 12 hours, soak a glass of almonds into water.
  2. Remove the skins from the softened almonds.
  3. Blend the almonds with water for one minute, or until smooth. (If using dates, you can also add dates.
  4. Use a large bowl to strain the mixture into the blender.
  5. If you like it a little more flavorful, you can add vanilla and cinnamon.
  6. Your almond milk is now ready! You can keep it in the fridge for up to four days.

If you prefer your milk to be more dense, you can use more almonds. You can make almond flour and use the almond residue to make cookies or cakes.