You are now invited to an interpretation of your weird dream! We are sure that you too have had some strange dreams at some time (perhaps seeing spiders, or your tooth falling out). “Can this dream be meaningful?” You woke up thinking.

Dreams are powerful emotional tools. Because of the many nuanced meanings of dreams, they may not be the same for everyone. Only the individual can determine if a dream means anything to him. However, Leslie Ellis, a dream specialist and therapist, says that dreams can be subjective and empirical. People need things You can’t dream wrong when you dream.

Ellis separes these Facts and myths for you and shares with you the right part!

Myth 1: Some people don’t dream.

No, everyone dreams. Ellis says that this is the process many experts call ‘typical dreaming’ takes place during REM sleep. Two hours is the average REM time for most people. If you wake someone during REM sleep they will most likely wake up in middle of a dream. Even people who claim they have never dreamed can wander through the dreamworld for up to two hours every night, but don’t recall it. It’s not about not dreaming, it’s about recalling memories called “dream recall”.

“So, how can we remember our dreams?” You may be asking yourself this question. Ellis believes that the best time for dreams to be remembered is during REM sleep, when it is most intense. “The REM phase lasts longer than usual throughout the night. Sometimes the most interesting dreams are the ones we have before we get up in the morning.”

Ellis suggests that you get up as naturally as possible, even without an alarm, when you wake up. Give yourself enough time to complete your sleeping cycle and don’t interrupt it. Of course, this does not mean that you set the alarm in the middle of the night to remember your dream… Slow down the waking process a little and try to remember what you saw just before waking up, where you were and with whom. If you find it helpful, you can write down the details on paper. 

Myth 2 – Dreams have no meaning

Another misconception is that dreams have no meaning and are therefore useless. This is a terrible idea! The brain works more efficiently in REM sleep. More active than when we are awake. There are many opportunities to take advantage of the things that are happening in our dreams..

Dreams Help you to deal with intense emotions. Ellis claims that goals reduce intensity in our emotions During the day It can calm us down. For example, think about the anxious dreams you have when you are caught unaware for a test, speech or other event. Sometimes, your dream is so vivid that it makes you feel naked. Although the dream may not reflect a real-life situation (e.g., you don’t have an exam coming up), it could be that you feel that way about another situation. You can use your dreams to make sense of everyday life and make it easier for yourself.

Myth 3: Only professionals can interpret dreams

Last but not least, you need an expert. interpret a dream. You can consult an expert, however. Experts You have been specially trained to make sense of this emotional realm. Aside from that, you can share your dreams and interpretations with your friends. This is a job that doesn’t require any training or certification. Ellis says that it is still helpful to have someone to help you explore your dreams. 

We are prone to see in our dreams things we don’t want or need to know about ourselves. This can make it more difficult for us to be honest with ourselves and our goals. A friend who can listen to your dreams and offer impartial feedback can help you reach a better conclusion. You will be able to see recurring themes within your dreams.