Aristotle says, “People naturally desire to know.” To embark on a journey we need to have curiosity and technique. Aristotle once said that in order to be able to comprehend the world by its own means, one must learn how to communicate, understand and apply it. The concept of the Mind map This is the basis of Prof. A’s creation. Roger Sperry was his inspiration.

Prof. Roger Sperry’s research focused on how the brain’s two halves interact and respond to each other. Sperry discovered this through his research. The right hemisphere of the brain is most dominant in areas such imagination, color rhythm, integrity, and rhythm. Contrary, the left hemisphere excels in words, numbers, logic, and analysis skills..

Tony Buzan, the President of the World Intelligence Foundation during the same years, was also known as the Memory Champion. He began to research learning more when he realized that although He said that The Two essential elements Remembering and focusing are two important aspects of education. He realized in the training that he had given that he did not say what he had written. “How to take notes?” His research revealed the following: Mind Map Technique To the world of literature.

Mind mapping, which is used by approximately 500 million people around the globe today, was developed from note-taking in 1970s. It has since grown to be a popular learning tool and practical method. Why do we take notes in boring, repetitive, and forgettable ways when visual elements, pictures, symbols are the common language of humanity? Keep these notes in your mindWe complain when we forget or don’t remember.

Why can’t we use our right hemisphere?

When we say banana, for example, a symbol or image appears in our heads. We can picture a banana tree, a banana yellow, or a monkey when we think about bananas. How many? People think only about themselves. of the letters M – U – Z?

This view allows one to see that the technique of learning and keeping in mind is highly efficient. While the technique is effective and efficient, it can be difficult to remember all of the details. Mind Map Technique This method offers a structured method of working. It allows content to be organized in a specific way and to a particular standard.

What is the best way to create a Mind Map for your organization?

  • A piece or two of white paper, cardboard
  • Colorful pencils
  • A focused mind is essential
  • Creativity

A mind map has many benefits:

This is a great technique for brainstorming. The mind map can help you to eliminate confusion and generate creative ideas for your project.

  • We can see more clearly what our goals are with the help of the mind map.
  • You can classify your works/targets according to importance and urgency, and then give priority.
  • It is important to be aware of what you can do. reach our goals We can identify the obstacles that are distracting us from our plan and take steps to remove them.
  • We can visually identify an event, situation, or goal when we Think is important It is possible that we will realize the importance of the document before we even put it on paper.

Here are six main rules for mind mapping

Layout: You can horizontally place the main topic or question, idea, problem, or issue on the paper in the middle. You can use symbols, shapes, and pictures in addition to words.

Branches: Start at the center and draw as many units of the topic as possible. These branches may be either straight lines or flexible. However, you should not consider drawing with a ruler. We should have as many free branches as possible…. You can think of it as a tree’s branches. You can also remove other parts clockwise, so that the first branch is drawn clockwise.

Keywords: A keyword must be chosen that will help us remember the entire subject. uccess, Love, Money, Affection, House, Car, etc.

Pictures: Next to your keyword, you should include words that are likely to make associations with that topic. It doesn’t matter how good or terrible you are at drawing. The most important thing is that we will be reminded by what we draw.

Colors: Colors are essential to stimulate, recall and understand our thoughts. Our mind maps will be more memorable the more colors we use.

Structure: A mind map should have a large structure. The best structure for the brain is one that radiates out from the center. This is how we create a graph of our thoughts. Reflections on paper of thoughts in the mind map.