Control is a fundamental human instinct. Because it allows us to plan for the future, we want to know what will happen next. Anna Yusim, psychiatrist, said that by entering the right type of relationship with uncertainty, we can overcome all life’s challenges gracefully. Combining science and art Spirituality helps people live with less stress.Yusim suggests these four words to be the best strategy for staying calm in the face unknown:
1. Available
Be aware Be grateful for the moment that you are currently in. You will attain wisdom and maturity when you accept the circumstances of life. Meditation is a great way to meditate. way to develop Awareness of the present. Meditation with a guide is also an option if you’re struggling to still your mind.
2. Control
Yusim claims that when he is struggling to control situations, he will repeat the following reassuring prayer:
“Lord give me the strength to change what I can, Acceptance of the things that I can’t change takes patience Give the wisdom to discern the differences between them.
This mantra can help us remember that, even though the outside world seems unpredictable, our thoughts and actions still have an influence. Ask yourself today: Can I control my current situation? What are some constructive steps I can take? This experience will help me to have more confidence in my life.
3. Hope
While surfing the web or reading the newspaper, it can be difficult to spot promising events. Social media These are the times. We need to look within to find our sense of belief. To remind yourself of the greater forces at work, you can turn to your religious or spiritual practices.
“Hope brings hope. We need to keep going, no matter how long or dark the tunnel may seem. Remind yourself that there is always hope at the end “The tunnel” Yusim.
4. Surrender
Yusim believes that once we have done all we can to improve the situation it is time to surrender. The power of surrender is the ability to believe in ourselves, the problem and the universe. Submission opens us up to possibilities not possible before. Although it can be scary to let go of issues beyond our control, it makes us stronger.