Asking older adults about their greatest regrets at the end of their lives, they find that the most common is because they spent too much time worrying. Bronnie Ware, an Australian expert in care, summarized five regrets her patients have at the end of her life in her book.
- Not living the life others expect, but the one they live.
- They’ve worked too hard
- They lack the courage to voice their emotions
- Losing touch with friends after a long time
- It is not possible to be happier.
Negatives cannot be processed directly by the subconscious. If someone asks you to not think of an elephant, it is important to first imagine the elephant in order to know what to not think about. This is because our minds are at least partially aware that images exist in our mind, regardless of whether or not we are conscious of them.
Consider the following example: “What color is your front doors?” To answer this question, first imagine a picture of your front door in your head.
Our minds are programmed to seek out what we see. How to make it happen These are the images we keep most close to our hearts. You start to see it everywhere when you think of buying something new. You can create a filter for that image by preserving it.
This mind function is often called the Reticular activation System, or RAS. It acts as a heat-seeking missile and makes constant adjustments to the flight until it locks onto its target. You can find things that are helpful by removing everything from the world that isn’t in line with your inner image. Reach your goals To “catch your eye” when they appear.
Many people believe that the mind can create anything we think possible. Every thing in the world is made from an idea. The mind of someone.
Undoubtedly, we find what we are most focused on in our lives.
You should stop and consider that everything in the universe was created from an idea in someone’s head. We do this because we want to make a positive and solid future. Pay attention The importance of focusing only on what we want, and not what we don’t want.
Let’s all make this a positive!
- I would like to live a life Where I will be honest with myself, regardless of what others think.
- I want to work-wise but not too.
- I want people to surround me, especially the ones I love and care most about. Know how you feel These are their stories.
- I am looking to establish deep, lasting friendships.
- I want happiness.
All of these are possible now. Each one of these is possible. There are many ways to do it The joy of living in the universe
1. Live your values everyday to live a life of authenticity.
This will enable you to create your life around the things that matter most.
2. To be work-wise, don’t do too much and remember the 80/20 rule.
Balance how you think Spend your time Avoid low-impact work activities at work. Studies have shown that 20% of your success in work comes from 20% of your efforts. This will allow for you to invest more energy in high-impact, high pay activities that will increase your productivity. You can increase productivity and reduce your overall time You spend your time getting things done.
3. Take a list of five people who are most important to you.
To express your feelings, you can call, e-mail, and write a note. They will make you happy! This will benefit you as well as them. This will make a big difference in your life. Quality of your relationshipIt does this, but it also gives you an amazing sense of love and appreciation that can be used when you feel disconnected from your surroundings.
4. Loving friends are worth their weight in gold.
Author of The Relationship Handbook. Dr. George Pransky says that great friendship can be achieved by focusing most of your attention on one thing: Enjoy each other’s company when you get lost in the details You can rekindle friendships by focusing on the simple pleasures and laughter of having fun, instead of worrying about who did what.
5. Happiness can be described as a state of mind that is always available for everyone.
There is one secret to happiness: We have always said it and will keep saying it.
Focus more on the positive thoughts and things that make your life happy. This will allow you to spend more of your time being happy. Now, Spend that time at home. Keep reading and following us!