Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice, aims to arrange objects so that the Chi energy, also known as the essence or life, can flow more freely and comfortably. According to this teaching, Chi energy flows in a specific order in the space. It feeds and rises.

This is why we should use the teachings in the area where we spend the majority of our time, or where we feel the most stress: at work or at home.

Simple, spacious, and clean workspace

What happens to your energy when you’re surrounded? The first To increase the efficiency of your chi energy’s circulation, you should keep it going. Keep the area tidy and clean. This area can be divided into nine pieces after you have removed all the clutter and set up your table.

Field 1: Abundance and abundance. Prosperity.

The top left corner of your desk can be used to represent well-being. This area can be used to attract abundance in your life. You can place valuable objects, a green plant or your computer there.

Field 2: Fame, prestige

Your dignity is represented by the upper middle of your desk. Remember that nameplates are often found here. This is where you can place objects to remind you of your success, show respectability, and give you motivation. Feng ShuiIt’s a great idea to save your business cards, plaques, and awards here.

Area 3: Love, marriage and relationships

We Keep your eyes in the upper right corner to find love and relationships. This area can be used to support flowers, photos frames, and gifts from your husband/wife. You can also place a few personal items to remind yourself that you are loved.

4. Domain: family

Feng Shui states that the left side of your desk should be considered family. You can feel better if you place a photo of your family here. You might also find it reminds you that you aren’t the only one struggling with energy and morale.

Area 5: Healthcare

The health symbol in the middle of your desk is called “Health”. It is best to leave this area empty for health. Increase energy efficiency and effectiveness in circulation mobility.

Area 6: Creativity

Place your notebooks in a central section of your table. Anything that stimulates your creativity and encourages you is welcomed! You can do whatever you want, but let your creativity take center stage.

Area 7: Mindfulness, wisdom, and personal growth

Feng Shui says that the lower left corner of your desk should evoke wisdom and reason. A thinker can inspire you with his knowledge, or you can place your favorite books there.

Zone 8: Career

Your career is represented in the middle lower portion of your desk. You can also leave the middle lower part of your desk blank to boost your mobility and copy post-its that will help you focus on your career goals.

Zone 9: Travel and socialization

If you need help, keep an eye on the lower left corner. You might consider putting your phone there. The same goes for photos of loved ones and any other places you wish to visit.

What about? giving Feng Shui a chance To make your workdays more enjoyable and accessible?