Ayurveda believes detox has the purpose to improve our digestive fire, which is known as ‘Agni’ We can remove toxic substances by calling ‘but’.
Agni refers to a part of our metabolism. It’s fire. It’s sharp; it’s hot; it’s crisp. It is our measure of endurance and strength. It is our intelligence. It is what gives cells, tissues, organs and their ability to function. Agni is a source of emotional strength, understanding and stability. A healthy, balanced Agni can bring vitality, clarity, pleasure, and joy. Agni’s vitality is why it is so important. Ayurveda is holistic in its approach to health approach.
Agni balances, which creates healthy tissues and waste. This is what we call the delicate essence. ‘Ojas’ Produced. This essence is the basis of immunity and physical strength. It brings joy, joy, and the ability to live life to its fullest.
Agni can be weakened, which means that digestion is insufficient, waste is not excreted and undigested matter becomes a residue. This is also known as ‘but’. Even though there are VPK ama types, Kapha ama is a permanent part of the body. It is thick, dense, cold, and slimy. It blocks energy flows prevents nutrition It causes disease at the cellular level. Undigested emotions can also be caused by food, but not just food.
The presence of toxic substances in the body is referred to as “general signs” ama :
- The tongue is covered with a thick layer of white.
- Feeling sluggish, bloated, or sleepy after eating.
- You crave prepared and Prepared food Snacks
- Haut rashes
- Bad breath
- Stool odors that are foul and irritable include gas, sweat, and stool smells.
- Whites and pale skin
- Yellow teeth
- Brain fogInability to concentrate
- Motivational issues
Ayurvedic detox’s goal is to increase Agni while removing ama.
Suppose Agni is not sufficient for detox. Unsuitable food continues to be a part of the dietThe body’s ability to process, convert and detoxify food will be limited. We You can remove ama by preparing your body and not increasing Agni. for detox. We force our body’s detox systems (excretory organs liver, skin, lungs and kidneys) into overdrive. They may not be able withstand the load and have different reactions.
Refusing to accept and transform emotions with open, gentle, non-judgmental awareness is another reason for emotion suppression. Also, suppressing emotions can be caused by not being able to accept and transform them with open, peaceful, non-judgmental awareness. This is why allergies occur in spring. When the body Agni becomes weak, it must deal with the increased pain. Similar results include anger, jealousy and greed.
A third factor is the fact that some plants are not suitable for human consumption. foods help the body detox in different ways—many spices aid detox by assisting the body in metabolizing They can help eliminate toxins. There are many foods, beverages, oils, vinegars, oils, and even water that play a role in their metabolism and elimination. Different supports may be needed at different times.
Therefore, Ayurvedic medicine is all about your body type Therapy (treatment, detoxification, panchakarma etc.) The most important factor is Agni, The digestive fire, ama, The level of toxins. It forces the body to detox from food it cannot digest. This is not healthy for the body and causes additional fatigue. Although vegetable juices, salads, single-type diets may be beneficial for some, they could cause unfavorable results for others.
As with the Ayurveda’s basic approachEvery person has a unique, extraordinary nature. Let’s get started. Take care to get the support An expert who examines the individuality and importance of detox, diet, nutrition, etc.