Ayurveda and surgery have one of the most important texts. Its history dates back to the 4th Century BC. The definition of health is found in the Sushruta SamhitaThe 600s are the earliest known instance of.

“Sama Dosha Sama Agnischa Sama Dhatu Mala Kriya

Prasanna Aatma Indriya Manaha Swastha Iti Abhidheeyate”

Sushruta sutra sthana, 15/41

“A healthy person means a person who is balanced in all aspects of life, including digestive fire, all bodily tissues and parts, as well as all excretory functions. Mind and spirit Are happy and satisfied.”

These are the three These health elements are also a part of Ayurveda holistic approach to holistic healthcare. health:

1. Physical Health

  • Sama dosha

Doshas (Vata, pitta, Kapha) Are biological Energies in the body And your mind. They regulate all aspects of physical and mental functions. They are responsible for all aspects of our lives. A healthy personThese three energies should be normal in their range, have their usual characteristics, and function as normal.

  • Sama Agnischa

The health of Agni, Oder “digestive fire,” It is Ayurveda’s most fundamental principles. It is the ability to comprehend, process, manage and assimilate all aspects in life. Agni is able to absorb the body’s essential elements and nutrients while removing waste products. We can do anything if our Agni is strong. digest food and Enjoy our everyday moments. Agni can’t digest nutrients properly if it is weak. Food residues become toxic. () These blockages can build up deep inside our cells.

  • Sama Dhatu

The seven dhatu, or tissue, are constantly changing and being created. Thanks to 40 types Agni, each tissue is made from food and the other. Each tissue, including plasma and food, takes five days to produce. Your health is directly affected by your diet after 35 days

– Plasma (Rasa)

– Blood (Rakta)

– Muscle (Mamsa)

– Oil (Meda)

– Bone (Asti)

– Bone marrow and nerve (Majja)

– Reproductive fluid (Shukra)

  • Sama Mala Kriya

“Malas” These are products that are produced by metabolic processes. There are three main trowels. Purisa (feces), Mutra (urine), Sweda (sweat), and they should balance.

According to Ayurveda, the balance of dosha, ​dhatu, and males in the physical body indicates good health or a disease-free state.

2. Mental Health

  • Prasanna Indriya

Indriyas These five senses include sight, smells, taste, hearing and touch. Each sense should be able describe objects clearly and accurately.

  • Prasanna Manah

Other than the physical body, there are also the Your mind should remain calmIt is simple, balanced, and clear. Each sense must be used properly, not too much, too often, or in an inappropriate way. Avoid excessive TV watching, excessive reading, or too loud of a subject. What we perceive with our sense organs is also important (a word, an event, etc.). Should be correctly interpreted. Your mind is made up of your past experiences, beliefs, and learned. It interprets the events that have occurred due to the disease. This negatively impacts our ability to think. Holistic Health.

3. Spiritual Health

  • Prasanna Atma

The meaning of the phrase “Brahma-Bhutan Prasannatma” in the Bhagavad Gita’s last section is: Peace and joy that results from being one in the absolute. It is a state that is full of awareness. All of us want to be free from suffering and happy.

This detailed Ayurvedic health definition can help you get a good idea of your health. Each concept is highlighted.

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