Numbers are today based on a certain system of mathematics and metaphysics. We accept or reject certain numbers when we play games of chance because we believe they are auspicioptimistice vice.

We can use 13 as an example. Some people consider this number to be unlucky. You might find that hotels or skyscrapers in some western countries do not have a thirteenth floor. Some people are uncomfortable with the idea of sitting on number 13 in a journey. Or the 13th day of at least one month of each year falls on a Friday…!

Other than these generalizations there are other numbers we are sensitive too. Even numbers, odd numbers and the first day of the month are all sensitive.

It is possible to state that some pay Attention When moving to a new home, consider the building number and street number as well as the apartment number. Make the selection accordingly.

We have so many things to do with numbers. Let’s take Grigori Grabovoi (a scientist and spiritual healer who is researching a healing technique and his healing number sequences).

The file with numbers contains the following: “Grabovoi Number Sequences” One of the most popular methods is today.

Number sequences by Grigori Grabovoi, Russian mathematician & spiritual healer.

Grabovoi’s techniques for spiritual work have multi-digit numbers codes. Intentions are just as important as images in order to regenerate the organism. A key aspect of success in a study is to maintain concentration while working on a number sequence.

Grabovoi created these number sequences to treat diseases and promote harmony in the world. He says that goodness goes beyond “well-being” in one’s own body. The spiritual work technique goes beyond the recovery and maintenance of health. It encompasses harmony with one’s environment, self, and the entire universe.

Grabovoi says that when you work with a certain number of strings, it is possible to get a. Change your consciousness This happens at the chromosome-level, and the Person connects with intuitions and abilities.

He is an expert in numbers. Frequency, and Vibrations As a means of healing and as a way to increase numbers “Mathematics” is God’s alphabet for writing the universe. She d phrases.

Grabovoi states that all points should follow a predictable course. He describes illness as an energy imbalance. To reach the required level of energy, these energies need to be repeated one after another, says Grabovoi. Grabovoi says that there are a number of numbers that correspond to each point. Repeating the numbers one-by-one will restore power to its original state. Each number in a string has a vibration. The repetition of these numbers regulates how much energy is available. Each digit of the number sequence is read to return each subject to its normal state.

It is important to note that Intent. Because intention speeds up the achievement of our goals. The second point is to In the many sequences that are read to correct distressing or illness, we should be able to focus our attention on the situation we wish to improve. First, you have to resolve to heal yourself and then get rid of all negative emotions.

There are opinions that, in addition to repeating the numbers repeatedly, it may also be beneficial to keep it on you or write it on your body. Let’s say you have a headache. If you have a headache, you can report it to your forehead by repeating the appropriate number sequence. Lose weightWrite the sequence of numbers you need to lose weight in that area. This will help you focus more and make it easier to repeat the numbers often.

General healing numbers

For memory enhancement: 5893240

For unknown diseases: 1884321

71042 – Harmony in family relationships

For financial assistance: 71427321893

Concentration: 51849131914

Regeneration: 2145432

Depression sequence: 514218857

Based on complaints:

Headache: 4818543

1999999 – Sore throat

Toothache: 5182544

Influenza: 4814212

Overweight: 4812412

Migraine: 4831421

Coronavirus healing number 4986489, 548748978 is indispensable for the pandemic.

Protective number against side effects of coronavirus vaccination: 2487498

Number of coins: 522

Number of miracles: 777