The importance of the immune response is well-known. Don’t panic if you experience a runny nose or itchy throat. You can recover quickly with regular fluid intake and proper rest. However, no matter how careful we are, the flu season has already approached us without us noticing…

Important importance of fluid intake during illness

Did you ever feel your mouth dry out when your nose gets stuffy? One study concluded that your mouth feels drier when your nose is stuffy. Nasal congestion can cause dry mouth, throat, and mouth. Drinking plenty of fluids can reverse these effects and restore moisture to the mouth.

Jess Cording says that fluid loss caused by diarrhea or vomiting can be made worse by drinking more fluids.

Although it may not be appealing to some, drinking or eating while nauseating can help. This is when light soothing drinks come in. Although choosing the right glass may help you feel better it is important to not drink any alcohol during this time.

Is it hot or cold? Which is hotter?

A study published in Rhinology reports that the results are consistent with what we have seen. Hot drinks can reduce symptoms of cold and flu, including runny noses, sore throats, headaches, sore throats, and fatigue. If you feel the need for something cold, it’s fine. Hot drinks don’t cure everything, but they can provide temporary relief. 

You can take your mind off of the discomfort or pain by drinking cold water or even having a cube ice. Uma Naidoo, a psychiatrist, says that this small stress release activates parasympathetic nervous systems which increase salivation and prevent dryness.

Dr. Amy Shah states that while cold showers can provide long-lasting immune benefits, they should not be used during illness.

Here are the best nine drinks to consume during illness

1. Water

When we talk about fluid intake, water is what comes to our minds first. Drinking water helps to rehydrate the mucous membranes that line the nose, mouth, and throat. They are the body’s first line against viruses. If these membranes lose water they can’t produce the moisture that allows bacteria and viruses to adhere to the tissue.

Water, which is free of caffeine and sugar, can be a simple liquid to help upset stomachs.

2. Ginger tea

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative HealthGinger has been used over the years to ease stomachaches like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties help to ease digestion.

3. Herbal tea

Many herbal teas, such as ginger, elderflower and echinacea, contain compounds that can strengthen the body. immune system They soothe the throat. They also don’t contain caffeine so they are not harmful. How does sleep affect you? patterns.

Maggie Michalcsyk (Nutritionist) says these teas can soothe and relax people. The person’s immune system is strengthened and they are able to recover faster by resting. 

4. Green tea

Another tea that is highly recommended is green tea. It strengthens your immune system It is an antioxidant-rich, polyphenol-rich tea. Michalczyk states that polyphenols can protect your body from harmful free radicals. Catechin, a polyphenol known as catechin, has been proven to be effective in killing certain viruses. 

It has been shown that catechin is 100-times more potent that the antioxidant it contains, and 25-times more potent that that of vitamin E. Because these vitamins are the only ones that influence the immune system, research has shown how powerful green-tea can have.

5. Honey water

It may be easier to just add honey to your water, even if you don’t have the appetite for honey. Two tablespoons of honey can improve your cough. sleep quality Comparable to placebo or cough medicine.

Honey’s antioxidants also help to reduce the body’s oxidative stress. Honey can reduce the duration of your life by this mechanism. The immune system supports the common cold and prolongs its life.

5. Lemon water

Water is great, but adding some lemon to your water will make it even more delicious. Lemon, a good source of vitamin C, helps fight free radicals, decrease inflammation, and improve white blood cells.

7. Spinach, lettuce and collard greens

Vegetable drinks can be a good source for nutrients that will help to strengthen your immune system. You can make it a drink that kids can enjoy. To increase the amount of vitamin B-6, you can add parsley. This vitamin aids in the creation of antibodies and in the reproduction immune system cells. The mixture is high in vitamins A, C and B-6, iron and calcium.

8. Coconut water

Coconut water is a rich source of electrolytes like potassium, sodium and magnesium. These Electrolytes regulate fluid balance It can also preserve muscle function. All of this makes coconut water a great option to replenish electrolytes lost during diarrhea, vomiting, and general dehydration.

9. Golden milk

Golden milk is a tradition Ayurvedic drinks Made from milk and turmeric Kulreet Chaudhary (neurologist) says that turmeric may help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, reduce joint inflammation, support the liver function, regulate digestion, and reduce menstrual cramps. Its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties are what make it useful in medicine.

Apart from its amazing beauty, health benefitsGolden milk can also help the body relax and unwind, encouraging rest for those suffering from the disease.

Drinking when you are sick

1. Coffee

You may feel more urinated by caffeine, which can have a diuretic effects. You can lose fluids if you don’t drink enough water. When you are feeling sick, it is not a good idea if you consume caffeine or sugar-containing drinks.

Matcha tea is an alternative to daily coffee consumption if you are not used to drinking it. It does contain caffeine, but it is much less than coffee.

2. Sugary drinks

Drinks such as ginger ale or fruit juice are not recommended. Use natural Even though sugars aren’t harmful to blood sugar, solid foods can have an adverse effect. This can cause digestive discomfort.

3. Alcohol

It is not difficult to avoid alcohol when you are sick. Because some alcohols contain lemon, honey and anti-inflammatory spice, it can give the impression that they are immune-boosting drinks. It is important to remember that alcohol can also cause problems. During illness, inflammation can lead to immune system damage and increase.