We are all familiar with the fact that 30-40% of marriages end up in divorce. This is a high number, but most people take it as a given. We know marriage can be difficult to manage. However, have you ever thought of friendships that end with “divorce?”
Friendships are essential to our lives Whole-body well-being They can make it easier to recover from illness faster, lessen the risk of heart attacks, ease depression, and even allow us to sleep better. It can be just as difficult to end a friendship that has been a lifelong commitment as a divorce.
A. It can be hard and difficult to build a friendship, but it is possible. If this friendship doesn’t add value to you, or even hurts your feelings, Here are eight signs to look out for This is the signal to close your company.
1. They expect you will be there for them no matter what.
Did you know that women are more likely to expect their friends to be good friends than men? Although it is normal to have high expectations for friends, it can become a problem. If they’re unable to communicate with you, ask them to interrupt your current activities and tell them that they need you. This friendship is for you if your friend wants you to be there for him whenever you need it. This attitude is not good. It is an indicator of a company’s worth. one-sided relationship. This is when your friend will devalue you By assuming that their needs are greater than yours.
2. They laugh at you and say it’s a joke.
A friend has ever “jokingly” told you about a situation that made you feel uncomfortable or Something you confided in him that he wouldn’t believe Are there any other? What if you were upset? Did he laugh at your frustration and reply with “You’re being too sensitive” (or “It was just joke”)? If This indicates that your friend is not respectful of your feelings. What are you looking for? As a secret, tell him must be kept between you. Your best friend shouldn’t be able to keep secrets or find things for you. It is worth sharing to make people laugh question is, does he Care about you?
3. They expect you will read their minds and get upset when you fail.
You may be able to read their minds sometimes because you are so close to them, but it is not realistic to expect that you will always know what they want, think, and feel. In friendships and in business, communication is key. Romantic relationships or marriages. It is impossible for friendship to blossom without open and honest communication between the parties. Talking about how you feel, your dreams and desires, or even your expectations from a company are all signs of a healthy relationship—sharing these shows that they trust each other by allowing both parties to express their vulnerability. This helps to strengthen and grow the friendship.
4. They are the ones who make the final decisions about your friendship.
It is easy to determine if your friendship is in trouble by imagining how you would react if it were to happen in your marriage. Romantic relationship. What do you do? Do you choose the movie, where to go, and what to eat at restaurants? Is it your friend who makes all the decisions? I am sure that you would warn your friend about the partner or spouse who wouldn’t allow him to make decisions. This is true for platonic relationships as well. As simple as that Romantic relationshipsThe Company requires an equal partnership, where each person is taken seriously and where your contribution is valued.
5. They lie.
Of course, this is an undeniable sign, but it is worth noting, especially this one, If it is a recurring situation. Even though it is difficult to spot when people lie, Body language It can provide some clues. Nevertheless, most reliable lie detector, It is always your intuition. It is important to get to know your friend. When something feels off, you can use your mind-body connection to find out how honest your friend is. If your friend has been lying to you multiple times or telling big lies, it is time to ask why. Are you able to trust them to tell the truth about a difficult situation? Or should you trust them?
6. They will be jealous or possessive.
Did you ever have a friend make fun of your achievements or treat you coldly when you shared something that you were proud of? Or when you get angry and fight with people who make plans. These are Signs of controlling behavior can pose a danger and could be dangerous Signs that you are in an abusive or inconsistent relationship Ideal friendship is that which both partners want the best for one another. This is about appreciating one another’s successes and having great companies that are not tied to each other.
7. They can abuse you mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Abusive behavior is simply unacceptable. One exerts power over another Over the other. Threats and tantrums directed towards you, blaming yourself for his problems, checking out your messages or inciting others against you are all forms of mental and emotional abuse. You should not be a victim to this. Stop trying to end a relationship immediately.
8. There is nothing you can share anymore.
Although this is not a sign of unhealthy friendship, it can still indicate that you need to distance yourself. You may be tempted to stay with old friends, especially if you have known them for so many years. You might also feel you should keep the friendship going because you have invested so much in your company. As people age, their priorities, and interests, may change. Meaning you have no more common You can share your interests with a friend. It can be difficult to keep up a meaningful conversation even with a friend you once loved.
You can still be there for one another, even when you feel different, and you can support and respect each others’ decisions without being in a shaky relationship. There is nothing to be ashamed about not fitting in to that friendship anymore. It’s just because you both have different priorities You should choose the right path for you at this point in your lifeThey don’t cross anymore. It will also open you up to the possibility of reuniting in the future.
We hope no one has to. Part ways You can still be friends with your close friend but it’s a good idea to step back if you feel that the friendship is not right for you.