The capsule wardrobe movement is growing in popularity. “Long live minimalism!” We say happily… This issue has not yet been taken seriously in our country, so our examples in this article are primarily from abroad. However, we hope and pray that this beautiful minimalism trend will allow us to be “consciously selective” consumers and provide new and better examples of minimalism from our country. Let’s move on to some content. What is a capsule wardrobe and how does it work? What does it do, exactly? Let’s have a look.

Why is it that successful people don’t wear the same thing every day?

Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg… This list goes on and on. These are the things these The commonality of people is their shared humanity They are not only famous for their achievements, but also for their black Tshirts and jeans.

The fashion trends that are constantly changing at an almost inexorable pace are becoming an obsession. Fashion is however defined only by the strategies of manufacturers who profit from this fashion-hungry world. It is not known if their wardrobes are all about fashion. Living spaces These are so minimal. It would be easy to see that this is Steve Jobs’ life philosophy, while Apple founder Steve Jobs has revealed his minimalistic design to the entire world.

This is when a small mass refused to fall into the trap and adopted the capsule cabinet. We managed to stay Avoid mainstream fashion. But, this isn’t how it works! Many are saying it more often than ever. People with high levels of social awareness They are embracing minimalist principles. Minimalism is confidently and quietly moving towards its golden age.

Let’s take a look at why. Successful people This trend is preferred by those who have adopted it; perhaps it will inspire and motivate you dear KIK reader.

1. Eliminate indecision

Decision fatigue This article can be summarized in one sentence. Mark Zuckerberg, however, summarised it without us having to. He said: “I’m not going to have to make the silly decision about what I should wear in the morning. Instead, I’m putting that energy into making better choices about the things that are important.”

Obama summarized the same issue by saying: “If You Pay attentionYou will notice that I wear the same clothes every day. I don’t like making decisions about what I wear or eat. Because I have much more important decisions.”

2. You don’t waste time

You can save your time by limiting your wardrobe. You have the best gift of time, so don’t waste it on deciding what to wear.

Three months of our lives are spent with 33 pieces. You can try it yourself by making a simple experiment. This is called the “Experiment.” Project333. Joshua Becker (a minimalist writer) implemented this project. He said: “I found out quickly that Project333’s greatest gift was to me in saving time. Making preparations in the morning was faster, easier, and more efficient. said.

Proje333 is sure to deliver a lot of value. Change in your life In the name efficiency.

3. Less stress

Matilda Kahl is an art director from New York. She wears the exact same outfit. Every day In her own words, she said: “I have so much reason to wear the exact same outfit every day; it is less stressful for me.” Is this a formal outfit? Was it too formal? The white shirt and black pants are comfortable in all environments, so I don’t worry about it.

4. Energy loss is reduced

According to The New York Times, Christopher Nolan is one of the most respected directors of the 21st Century. He decided long ago that worrying about what to wear each day was a huge waste of time. You can start to live with energy Wear dark suits with blue shirts and you will be happy. Nolan: “Large wardrobes consume a lot of energy, are more difficult to maintain, more complicated to mix, and more work. But a capsule wardrobe can save energy in every sense of this word. There are fewer items that can be washed, stored, and maintained, and it is easier to store.

What’s the right word? We all seem to agree on this.

5. Integrity and a sense of purpose

Denaye Barahona is a Dallas-based young mom who has streamlined her closet from a messy mess to a minimalist wardrobe that she loves to wear. My old wardrobe was like a poor fast food restaurant. It was difficult to organize and simplify and took a lot time. But my capsule wardrobe looked great and was a high-quality, stylish restaurant that serves healthy food. Although I had fewer options to choose from, I feel more confident and look better.

Although capsule wardrobes have many benefits, the best part about them is their versatility and ability to be combined.

6. Iconic

The fairy tale hero looks like he wears the same outfit each day. You can think of cartoons and fairy tales as the heroes never change their outfits. That shirt with yellow watermelon sleeves is what we associate Snow White with.

Children desire consistency, which is the main reason why this happens. However, It is something adults don’t accept, but we all feel the same. Maintaining continuityWe, which isn’t; it is You cannot change it. It is important to remember that the uniform should not be worn unstyled if you are aiming for an iconic line.

7. Less expense

This article was sufficient for me to use as a headline, because I don’t think many people would object to how much wealth we have poured into our wardrobes. Is there anything in your closet that you haven’t tagged? Let’s not forget about the clothes we rarely wear. This will allow us to be confident in what we wear. Create a capsule wardrobe and an iconic uniform Save money Our ridiculous clothes shopping and the energy we expend on the clothes we sort and place in front the door during the wardrobe cleansing process we only do once per year.

The capsule wardrobe movement is sure to continue growing as more people realize that they don’t have to conform to the system.

There are many people who adopt minimalistic lifestyles. Principles is growingThe minimal wardrobe promises greater productivity, peace, happiness and cost savings.