Have you ever spoken with someone who talks constantly about themselves and won’t let other people speak? Request! These people can be described using a defined term: Conversational Narcissist

This type of narcissism can be better understood by looking at what psychologists think about speech narcissists.

Who are speech narcissists and why?

People who are speech narcissists will constantly steer the conversation in their direction and avoid conversations that are not about them. They don’t usually pay attention to what others are saying, and they prefer to talk about themselves.

This is something you need to keep in mind Narcissism may include the following: This can be done without the need to be a true narcissist. This is even more prevalent. This is also the case for the speaking narcissist. Wendy Behary is the director of the New Jersey Center for Cognitive Therapy. She says, “Speech Narcissists often don’t meet the criteria for normal.” Diagnostic of Narcissistic personality disorderThey are not yet in the path of the disorder.

Psychologist Ramani Durvasula According to Dr. Michael Cohen, narcissists who are not clinically diagnosed often do not get the help they need. This condition is unacceptable. These types People want to be able to do things quickly and not have meaningful relationships. 

Durvasula states that some conversational narcissists are anxious and will choose to speak about the things they know best to reduce their anxiety. This is often their favorite topic of conversation.

These are the most prominent characteristics of a speech narcissist:

1. Conversations can be often one-sided

Behary states that conversational narcissists are unable to stay on the same agenda for long enough so they can engage others in the discussion. “The conversation never goes both ways; it’s more like a monologue where the conversational narcissist talks to himself.”

2. They frequently interrupt the other party

Speech narcissists will often jump into conversations mid-sentence. The narcissist may initially appear to listen to the other party and try to help them. But as time passes, it becomes clear that the conversation is not about you, but about them.

3. They talk constantly

Because narcissists always seek approval from their partner, their ongoing conversation is more like an extended conference than a conversation. Behary points out that narcissists are always trying to impress by appearing smart, unique, and knowledgeable when speaking.

These should not be confused for speaking narcissists who talk a lot. These are the narcissists. People are more aware Although they may think they talk too much, conversational narcissists often don’t realize that they’re hijacking the conversation and turning it back to them.

4. They don’t form meaningful relationships with other people

They lose interest in people who aren’t talking to them or about us. Durvasula says that speech narcissists are blatantly bored, uncomfortable, or condescending when speaking to others.

How to communicate effectively with a speech narcissist

These are the best ways to deal with a speaking narcissist

1. Set boundaries

If you are aware that someone has these traits, it is best to keep your distance. This allows for meaningful communication Person You will feel alone.

If you decide to communicate with them Know what situation you’re in and work towards a bilateral relationship.

2. Show empathy

Behary suggests a method of communication that he calls “Communication” to those who are willing to try. Empathic confrontation. By doing this, you can offer them suggestions that will help you listen. To illustrate, you could say to your partner: “I appreciate you understanding my situation but I want to be open with you about my innermost feelings.” “I can only relax a little more.” True narcissists would be offended by this attitude. However, more moderate narcissists might respond with understanding.

3. It’s not your fault.

No matter what you are responding to Keep your distance or try to face the person you are trying to meet You shouldn’t view it as a personal experience. Durvasula warns: “You cannot change them.” Their nature is not very understanding. They are often unable to change their behavior when they see the situation.